Beat Migraine Headaches Naturally With These Tips

First, it’s important to remember it cost billions of dollars to treat migraines traditionally, often with unsuccessful results.

Dr. Hyman reported:

The cost to society is also enormous. Migraine headaches add $13 billion to $17 billion to our healthcare costs each year. These costs include medications, emergency room visits, hospitalization, physician services (primary care and specialty), laboratory and diagnostic services, and managing the side effects of treatment.

Migraines have indirect costs as well. A headache is the most frequent pain-related complaint among workers. Focusing specifically on migraines, one study found that the annual cost to employers exceeded $14.5 billion, of which $7.9 billion was due to absenteeism and $5.4 billion was due to diminished productivity.

So this is a HUGE problem — both for those who suffer and for society as a whole.

Worse, migraines are hard to treat and very difficult to prevent with conventional approaches. There are a host of preventive drugs — calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and more –which work poorly, if at all, and are accompanied by frequent side effects. Some doctors are even using Botox to paralyze neck muscles in the hopes of easing migraines.”

But don’t feel hopeless, Mommy Underground has got you covered!

Here are 4 ways to help stop a migraine, before it even starts.