
After Christmas Warning To All Moms – Check Your Child’s Toys For This Danger!

After Christmas Warning To All Moms – Check Your Child’s Toys For This Danger!

Congrats mama, you just survived another successful Christmas season! And while your children may be happily playing with their new toys, you might feel you can finally relax and take a break. Well, not just yet, at least not before you check your child’s toys for this major safety hazard […]

Young Boy Exploited By Mom

Young Boy Exploited By Mom

Having a child is a big responsibility, you are to clothe them, house them, and feed them at the very basic level. However, to really help children thrive in life they need to be given direction, boundaries, and taught the difference between right and wrong. When parents lack this conviction, […]

Popular Baby Product Contains Asbestos

Popular Baby Product Contains Asbestos

There are a slew of baby hygiene items on the market now, creams for cheeks, organic lotions, and countless products for the diaper region. With all the options available, thousands of mothers still turn to the brand that has been around for decades to treat their baby’s diaper rash, just […]

LGBT Activists Infiltrate Retail Ad And Degrade Marriage In A Sickening Way

LGBT Activists Infiltrate Retail Ad And Degrade Marriage In A Sickening Way

Once again, LGBT activists have taken their deranged agenda mainstream in the retail world, but this time they went right for the heart. Knowing heterosexual marriage is a sacred act before God, and a cherished worldwide celebration of love, they couldn’t help but stick a perverted twist on the image […]

“Shock And Sadness” As Our Children Are Targeted By Vile Propaganda Piece

“Shock And Sadness” As Our Children Are Targeted By Vile Propaganda Piece

There is nothing more vile than the left’s targeted plan to groom children to carry on their progressive agenda. Our children are being indoctrinated in public schools as the left works to normalize immoral behavior like homosexuality, sexual perversion, and abortion. Perhaps the worst example of this to date comes […]

Government-Backed Brochure Aims To Brainwash Children

Government-Backed Brochure Aims To Brainwash Children

As the progressive agenda manifests itself in every facet of our society, parents are on the frontlines in the battle to preserve traditional values. For raising our children the way we see fit, and for not accepting the left’s agenda, we are accused of discrimination, intolerance – even racism. This […]

Apple Attempts To Silence Christian Values With This Shady Move

Apple Attempts To Silence Christian Values With This Shady Move

In a heavy-handed attempt to silence the Christian values, Apple took matters into their own hands. But what’s even worse is their latest ploy revealed a blatant discrimination and bias against traditional values, proving once and for all they are in the back pocket of LGBT activists. And tragically enough, […]

How You Handle This Parenting Nightmare Can Make All The Difference

How You Handle This Parenting Nightmare Can Make All The Difference

Sometimes being a parent can feel like we’re climbing Mt. Everest. There are so many details to take care of, and each day can be unpredictable and overwhelming. But moms and dads should take heart in the fact that we are not alone, especially in one particularly frustrating rite of […]

Addiction Takes Young Mom’s Life

Addiction Takes Young Mom’s Life

America has reached an epidemic in opioid addiction, as lives young and old are plagued by its gruesome hold. Lives have been ripped apart with a substance so small in size, making giant chasms between loved ones. For one woman the divide was too great, leaving her family mourning a […]

She’s At It Again – Celebrity’s Comments Prove She Just Doesn’t Get It

She’s At It Again – Celebrity’s Comments Prove She Just Doesn’t Get It

Wealthy Hollywood celebrities always seem to stand on their soapbox claiming to relate to everyday working Americans. Often, they campaign for issues that affect ordinary Americans, all the while living in their protected bubble and unable to relate to what the rest of us really think. Celebrities often preach a […]