Feminists Prove Yet Again They Really Aren’t Pro-Women

Liberal feminists rally under the banner of “empowering all women” and brag how their policies encourage all women to hold leadership positions.

Claiming the “white man” is holding them back, feminists spew out their hatred to the world demanding they receive the same opportunities as men.

But when one woman decided to run for public office, you won’t believe how feminists responded.

Instead of rallying behind her and encouraging her, many well-known leftist feminists took to Twitter and other social media sites bashing her, and propping up her opponent.

And you guessed it, her opponent is nothing other than a white male.

The female in the race, Karen Handel, was running against a liberal male, John Ossoff.

Not only did feminists bash Handel and prop-up Ossoff, they donated some serious cash to defeat Handel in the process.

Breitbart reported

“Comedian Sarah Silverman posted a plea for the voters of the Republican-heavy suburban Georgia district to vote for Ossoff, linking to an earlier tweet in which she wrote the state’s voters should “show Handel where she can stuff her bigotry…

Actress Debra Messing said Georgia voters “deserve better” than Handel, and urged voters to save the district “from this woman.”

But feminists didn’t stop there.

Leftist-star Alyssa Milano went so far as to actually drive voters to the polls, hoping to take down Handel.

With feminists claiming to support and rally for women, it’s astounding the backlash they spewed at Handel, simply because she disagreed with their leftist policies.

While the duplicity is stunning, it’s nothing new.

Feminists prove yet again the only women they want to elevate are liberals like themselves.

They aren’t pro-women, they are pro-liberal feminist women, and if a woman doesn’t fit into that category, she becomes a target of the feminist bunch, just like everyone else.

What actually fueled the feminists’ support of Ossoff was their hatred of Trump. Feminists thought by defeating Handel, they could stick it to President Trump.

In turn, they were willing to sacrifice their “pro-women” policies of endorsing women and use it as a platform to gain publicity while taking a jab at Trump.

Breitbart reported:

“It is the seat heard round the world. Everyone is watching. All the recent special elections have taken on a certain symbolism of the resistance,” Milano told Politico.

The Who’s The Boss and Charmed actress also said it is crucial for celebrities to use their fame to fight for the causes they believe in.

“I want people to find what motivates them and if I can be a catalyst for the strength for them to fight for what’s right, then I feel good about what I’m doing,” Milano told the outlet.”

Despite the hate-filled campaign feminists launched against Handel, she actually ended up winning the special election and defeated Ossoff.

And feminists are now demoralized yet again as a conservative woman was just elected to Congress.

Why do you think feminists are so full of hate?

What are your thoughts on their double-standard when it comes to endorsing women?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.