Four Teas You Should Drink Everyday

Tea 2 – Lunchtime

Give your body an extra boost with ginger-lemon tea!

Just like the warm lemon water you had in the morning, this tea will continue to cleanse your body and keep it running optimally, but this time we are adding ginger too!

Ginger is very good for digestion and will soothe an upset stomach. And when combined with lemon, it makes a powerful team:

“Vitamin C and antioxidants in the two ingredients together work well in eliminating toxins and improving body metabolism. The two work well in reducing abdominal swelling as well.

For preparation, boil a cup of water and add a slice of ginger and half a lemon juice to it. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and cool to room temperature.”

Or you can simply buy a ready-made box of ginger-lemon tea at the grocery store. There are many brands to choose from!