Sarah Huckabee Sanders Makes An Astounding Precedent For Moms

The mother has taken on many personas in the past few decades. It was once thought proper to be a picture-perfect homemaker who walked around in heels and an apron.

Then we moved on to the hippy mother with the naked baby, the big hair mother with the care-bear kid, the denim everything mom with the VHS kid, ending with the dynamic duo we have today.

There is no common modus operandi, or M.O. as it is said, for the mom’s of this generation. But don’t make the mistake in guessing which type of mom one may be, because you are likely to have your head chewed off.

Whether you are the yoga pants mom or the 2-piece suit mom, the fact of the matter is that you are a mom and that is the amazing part.

Mom’s have tremendous strength and versatility which have allowed us to do it all, whatever we choose our “it” to be.

For mother of 3 Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Chief White House Press Secretary, history is being made.

The demanding and stressful position of Chief White House Press Secretary has only been titled to two other women since it’s inception.

Dana Perino and Dee Dee Myers worked under President Bush and Clinton respectively. These women did not have any children during their time in this position.

It would be fair to note that this would make the Republicans the leading provider of jobs for women in the Press Secretary position.

When speaking about her role as a mom in an interview, Business Insider has Huckabee Sanders responding with:

That says less about me than it does about this president,” she said. “Empowering working moms is the heart of the president’s agenda, particularly when it comes to things like tax reform.”

Huckabee Sanders brought her eldest, Scarlett, into the conversation by pointing out that President Trump is helping to shape the kind of country that will be more gracious to women.

Business Insider reported:

Scarlett and every little girl in America should grow up in a country that – if we deliver on the president’s agenda better jobs, better healthcare, and a better tax system – incentivizes women to work and raise children.”

 Center For American Progress wants to paint a different picture for the direction of this country for women, one in which being a women means you wish to reserve the right to kill your young when it’s inconvenient for you.

President Trump’s unforgivable offense that dubbed his healthcare initiates as “the worst bill for women’s health in a generation”, according to the Center For American Progress, is taking funding from Planned Parenthood, and holding back money for Title X grants if they aid in abortion.

This is by no means “egregious” and with Huckabee Sanders as a fitting mouthpiece for a crooked generation, we see these nonsensical views being dismissed with no validation.

Bryan Chatfield Sanders, Sarah’s husband since 2010, is a Republican campaign consultant who worked on Mike Huckabee’s 2008 campaign, according to U.S. News and World Report.

The two obviously have a lot in common, which makes supporting one another an easy task.

Huckabee Sanders is not only making precedent as a mother of three in her prestigious position, but she is, also, one of the most outspoken conservative evangelicals that we have seen in the White House.

Her father Mike Huckabee was a Southern Baptist pastor before becoming governor, and growing up in a political home with strong religious convictions has no doubt prepared her for strolling down the fierce thoroughfare of Washington D.C.

The Washington Post reported Huckabee Sanders as a “fitting symbol” for “religious conservatives”, and I think they hit the nail on the head.

The Washington Post reported:

Since she assumed the job of press secretary in July, Sanders has triggered discussions about, among other things, the place of religious conservative women in power politics (she’s the first mom in that job, and just the third woman), and whether her presence helps or hurts the evangelical witness.”

It seems that her seamless flow into her professional, personal, and religious life is a positive reflection on the “evangelical witness” and on women as a whole.

Another good example of her priorities that have made her capable of her success was made evident in a response she gave an interviewer about whether she wanted her kids to look up to Trump.

The Washington Post reported:

As a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model. And when I’m asked that question, I point to God. I point to my faith. And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”

 It is refreshing to have a woman in a position of political power that is an outspoken person of faith in the Bible and a mother who is flying through uncharted waters fantastically.

We all know her short and smart comments to the press on behalf of the President, but now we all know that behind that strong face is a compassionate mother.

Let us know in the comments section what you think about Huckabee’s position as a first, and if that is reflected in her performance.