Surefire Ways To Stop The Teething Madness Today

  1. Cold compress

Applying something cold to the gums where the tooth is breaking through can alleviate pain and reduce swelling.

Most babies will not let you just hold a rag covered ice cube in their mouth, so getting creative with how it’s applied will help distract your baby and give them a remedy they would thank you for if they could talk.

Wellness Mama gives some great ideas to applying cold compresses on a baby’s gums:

  • Partially freeze a clean, wet cloth. Let your little one chew on the cold cloth to help numb the area and reduce swelling.
  • Some children experience a lack of appetite when they are teething. It may help to offer soft, cool foods such as homemade applesauce, chilled pieces of fruit (for older babies already eating solids), and homemade yogurt.