The Hidden Agenda Of The Most Famous “Family” Company On Earth

Young girls are being indoctrinated by the liberal media more than ever to embrace increasingly extreme feminist views.

More and more often, television, commercials and other media are targeted toward sending a message to girls and teens — put yourself first, and don’t “settle” for what was once the dream of all women — the blessing of having a husband and children.

One of the worst offenders in promoting this feminist culture is the Disney corporation — and Walt Disney would be turning over in his grave.

When comparing early Disney female characters with their counterparts today, you’ll see an extreme turnaround in how young women in these supposedly children’s films are depicted.

The early movies reveal what “the ideal woman” looked like in the beginnings of the Disney company, before the feminist movement took root in the United States.

Young girls wish to emulate the Disney princesses, dressing in costumes like their favorite characters, and learning every word of the dialogue and songs sung in the films.

The early princesses shared almost the “same pattern of role images as beautiful, kind, innocent and obedient, and life-experience — live happily/ framed by vicious person/ saved by a prince/ lived happily ever after,” according to a Disney animation site.

But the modern princesses have evolved into feminist characters, determined to “better themselves” by abandoning traditional women’s roles.

The Walt Disney Company is ruthless in its feminist marketing, especially gearing it toward young girls, selling every imaginable product to make these young girls more closely identify with their favorite princess.

The traditional women’s site, Ladies Again, analyzes this change:

…these movies are (intentionally or not) painting a picture that to be a woman, no matter how comfortable the circumstances, somehow means to be in a state of “oppression” and/or “repression” and as a result women should be seeking liberation.  

There is so much wrong with that it deserves its own book. Raising a young person to believe that what they know and all that they are is somehow inadequate or incomplete sets them on an endless and fruitless course of seeking a poorly defined (if defined at all) ideal of what she should aspire to be (and aspire for all of her kind).

 This “equality” they urge us to fight for is to become like men, even when that means giving up what intrinsically makes you a woman. Don’t get married or have children, or at least not until you have proven to the men in your life that you are better than them!

Gradually changing during the 1990s, characters like Ariel and Mulan taught girls to disobey their parents and do whatever it took to fulfill their need to be more than “ordinary.”

And the prevalent feminist undertones in these movies often leads the characters into dangerous situations.

In another example of the feminist culture completely immersing our young girls, Disney’s marketing is preaching the message that you are only special — and will only be happy — if you abandon traditional women’s roles.

Ladies Again reported:

The Disney Princesses come from a culture so obsessed with chasing “freedom” that it doesn’t recognize that it’s not in chains (or at least the chains are not of the kind from which they are seeking to be freed).

Modern feminist extremists are pushing a type of freedom that urges women to do something (anything) other than what they are currently doing, even if what they are currently doing is perfectly fine and healthy and even if the other thing is engaging in dangerous behavior. 

It has also been rumored for decades there are hidden sexually-explicit messages and images in many of the Disney movies.

And with the most recent release by the company, Beauty and the Beast, the first openly homosexual character was introduced in the film.

While the original Disney princesses showed that a young girl’s dream was to get married and settled down, the modern princesses, most recently in the movie, Frozen, preach the message that “you are better than a man and you certainly don’t need to get married to be happy.”

While our young girls should be encouraged to be strong and independent, and aspire to great things, the Disney message has become that traditional women’s roles of wife and mother are not great things.

These feminist overtones and increased introduction of alternative lifestyles are leading The Walt Disney Company into dark territory for those with traditional values.