Warning: Shocking Pro-Abort Campaign May Be Coming To Your State

Imagine driving down the road with your children, and coming across a billboard. Sounds pretty average, right?

But instead of the typical advertisement for hotels or the newest restaurant, this one says something else.

And what it says will shock you.

In Ohio, a pro-abort campaign has funded billboards all around the state, actually encouraging women to get abortions.

In fact, some of these billboards actually spout words such as “Abortion is hope”, and “Abortion is a blessing.

Can you imagine having your child look out the window and see those words?

Or the message it says to young scared women who are confused on where to turn if they become pregnant?

LifeSite News reported on the horrific campaign:

Abortion Positive” billboards are going up all over Cleveland, the home of abortuary Preterm. The lucrative business is launching a media campaign to portray aborting a baby as a beneficial thing for families and children.

The ads position abortion as something to be celebrated and affirmed. Each ad begins with “Abortion is … ” and fills in different words or phrases.”

The campaign then goes on to list horrific and false statements such as “Abortion is life-saving”, and “Abortion is liberty.”

Such evil is designed to make abortion appear “normal” and mainstream.

Preterm doesn’t mince words at the intent of their campaign. In fact, they admit their plan directly on their website.

LifeSite News continued:

We want to push people to think about abortion in new, diverse ways with these billboards,” Preterm’s Nancy Starner said.

The idea is to mask any stigma of abortion or any concern the mother might feel toward her baby.

Truth Revolt’s Amelia Hamilton sees through the doublespeak. “This desperate attempt at rebranding abortion suggests that Preterm knows how Americans feel about abortion.”

 Preterm promotes the incongruent message. Its website teaches, “To a parent struggling to make ends meet, abortion may be the best way to love and care for your family. To a young person, abortion may be the chance to graduate. To all of us, abortion is foundational to a just society.”

 Attempting to glorify and promote the murder of babies is evil to the core.

Conservatives know abortion is murder, and there is never a reason to take the life of an innocent baby.

With the March for Life taking place this week, all eyes are on the pro-life movement.

Those of us, who value life, must speak up.

The time to act is now.

This sickening billboard campaign may be coming to a city near you.

Teach your children the value of life. And if they become confused reading billboards such as this, use it as a moment to teach them there is evil in this world.

What are your thoughts on the pro-abortion billboards with slogans such as “Abortion is life-saving”?

Have you seen a billboard like this in your hometown? What would you do if one ever comes to your town in the future?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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