Warning To Moms: Are You Making This Dangerous Car Seat Mistake?

Parents will do anything to keep their children safe, especially while transporting them in the car.

Well-intended parents securely strap their little ones into car seats, making sure they are safe for travel.

But some moms are making a critical error in the placement of their child’s car seat, and it’s endangering the lives of their children.

And the worst part is, friends and family are standing by watching it happen, yet remaining silent.

Parents reported:

“According to new data from baby brand Chicco, most parents flip their children’s car seats from rear facing to forward facing before the recommended age of 2. But perhaps even more troubling is that 72 percent of loved ones who know better don’t speak up to correct this dangerous mistake.

According to USA Today, various studies have shown that as many as 73 percent of parents are flipping their kids’ seats too early. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids remain rear facing in their car seats until at least age 2, and longer if possible.”

Companies like Chicco recognize the growing number of moms who flip their children’s car seats too early and have launched a “turnafter2” campaign to educate moms and remind them not to flip the car seat forward until the child is 2.

Chicco’s online website listed the importance of adhering to the age 2 guidelines:

“Since 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that children ride rear-facing in their car seats until at least the age of 2. While rear-facing is always the safest option, it is especially important before age 2, as that is when a child’s muscular and skeletal structure is still developing. When rear-facing, a child’s back, neck and head are all supported by the car seat during an accident.

Doctors agree. According to Dr. Benjamin Hoffman, a pediatrician and nationally recognized expert in child passenger safety, “The rule of thumb is simple – turn children forward-facing after they turn two-years old. The longer they can stay rear-facing, the safer they’ll be.”

The goal of the campaign is not to shame moms, but to educate them on the serious consequences of wrong car seat placement.

Quite simply, it’s not worth the risk to flip a child’s car seat too early, given the developmental structure of a child.

Thanks to companies like Chicco speaking out on the danger, moms are starting to take note.

The key is to spread the word and make sure moms know the seriousness of flipping their little one’s car seat too early.

So moms, make sure your child’s car seat is rear facing until they reach the recommended age of 2.

Should a car accident happen, your precious child is better protected.

And if you see a mom with a child under the age of 2 flipping the car seat to face forward, say something – you just might save that child’s life.

Did you know the importance of keeping your child rear facing until age 2?

If you saw another mom with her car seat flipped the wrong way, would you speak out and say something?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.