You Won’t Believe What Happened To This Innocent Teen


A shy young teen was eager to perform his song on American Idol.

But when he went on stage for his audition, he never expected what was about to happen next.

And as it turns out, this shocking turn of events took something from him, he can never get back.

During the audition process, young Benjamin Glaze confessed he’s never kissed a girl before.

He went on to sweetly admit he has been waiting for the right one to come along, and confessed he was saving his first kiss for his first relationship.

But what happened next will shock you, as an American Idol judge Katy Perry decided to take matters into her own hands.

She actually went on to trick the contestant, by luring him to give her a “kiss on the cheek”, and when he did, she kissed him, on the lips.

Perry’s actions shatter the “Me Too” movement’s aim for respect, as she blatantly took advantage of this young boy, against his will.

In fact, some are arguing Katy Perry should be charged with sexual assault for her behavior.

The Daily Wire reported:

“After revealing that he had never been kissed, Perry told him to come to her, which he did.

 He agreed to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, which he did.

Perry complained and told him to try it again. When he went in to give her another peck on the cheek, she suddenly turned her head and kissed him on the lips.

Glaze immediately ducked down and backed away in surprise and obvious embarrassment, as the panel shared a laugh.

The shocked Glaze, mouth agape and eyes wide, eventually joined in.”

Instead of respecting and honoring this young teen, she violated his trust and stole his innocence.

In a vulgar attempt to remain relevant, she tricked this young teen, and forced a kiss upon him, ruining his hopes at saving his first kiss for the woman he loved.

What’s even more traumatic is this young boy clearly is not your “stereotypical” teen boy.

He admits while most men would have loved the chance at kissing Katy Perry, he was uncomfortable, having been raised in a conservative home.

Again and again, he reiterated he wanted his first kiss to be special, yet she took that from him.

The New York Times reported:

“I was a tad bit uncomfortable,” Mr. Glaze said by phone this week, after the incident aired on the season premiere.

His first kiss was a rite of passage he had been putting off with consideration.

“I wanted to save it for my first relationship,” he said. “I wanted it to be special.”

“Would I have done it if she said, ‘Would you kiss me?’ No, I would have said no,” he said. “I know a lot of guys would be like, ‘Heck yeah!’ But for me, I was raised in a conservative family and I was uncomfortable immediately.

 I wanted my first kiss to be special.”

Katy Perry took away something sacred and special from this young boy.

He can never get his first kiss back again.

Instead of waiting to share this intimate moment with the woman that he loved, this young teen was publicly exploited and humiliated, for the world to see.

Perry’s actions go against everything the “Me Too” movement stands for.

The fact remains; no human has the right to force themselves onto another, for any reason.

Perry used her status and fame against an innocent, unsuspecting teen, and she should feel ashamed for her behavior.

What are your thoughts on Katy Perry stealing this young teen’s first kiss from him?

Do you think her actions demonstrated hypocrisy within the “Me Too” movement?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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