3 Ways To Sneak In A Quick Workout During Your Day

  1. Supermarket Sweep:

The grocery store is full of countless opportunities to work it out.

Try lifting the heavy items a few times before you put them in the cart.

Or do a few lunges down the aisle.

Don’t worry about what others think! Who knows, you just might start a trend.

Parents listed a great way to do bicep curls, even while waiting in line:

“Hold two of the same can or bottle, one in each hand. Bring your elbows into your sides, then bend them so they are at a 90-degree angle, palms holding the cans or bottles up. Slowly bring your hands toward your shoulders to complete the curl, then slowly bring them down.

While standing in line: Do curls on one side at a time (unless you’re buying two of the same can or bottle) or mix it up with small pulses on each side. With your elbow bent at 90 degrees, palm holding the can or bottle up, pulse an inch up and down until your arm tires. Repeat on the other side.”

Moms, you may not have two hours to spend at the gym, but you can add little things to your day to help burn extra calories.

And get creative!

Think outside the box, like a family dance party, or backyard games like red light, green light.

By adding workout activities to your day, you’re practicing good self-care, and training yourself to add discipline to your life, while having fun!

Moms, what are some of your favorite ways to sneak in a workout during the day?

Do you have a favorite exercise routine that works for you?

Tell us your ideas in the comments below!

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