7 Nutrient Deficiencies You Probably Have

  1. Vitamin A

You may have heard it said that you should eat carrots to help your eyesight. This is true!

They contain pro-vitamin A, which is where the body turns the beta-carotene into the vitamin that produces eye pigments.

The fat-soluble vitamin also helps form healthy skin, teeth, bones, and cell membranes.

The average American with a westernized diet does get enough vitamin A, but being mindful of consumption is wise since it is the world’s leading cause of blindness, according to the World Health Organization.

You can get preformed vitamin A from meat, fish, poultry, and dairy, but it is possible to get toxic levels in this form.

Pro-vitamin A found in orange vegetables cannot be used in excess, with the only side-effect being that your skin may take on a harmless orange hue.