Cartoon Network Defies Conservative Moms With Their Latest Stunt

The Cartoon Network sent yet another loud and clear message to conservative moms that they don’t support traditional families.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, the once beloved Cartoon Network continues to force their LGBT agenda onto children.

And their latest move reveals yet again the danger behind the real agenda they hope will prevail.

LGBT activists have deemed June “Pride Month” and have wasted no time persuading retailers to sell rainbow gear targeted towards children to promote the homosexual agenda.

A child can’t walk outside into a store without being bombarded with “pride month” propaganda.

To add further insult to injury, in honor of June’s alleged “Pride Month” – Cartoon Network wasted no time tweeting out leftist propaganda letting everyone know they are pro-LGBT.

And yet again, their target audience was young children.

Their latest tweet showed a picture of The Powerpuff Girls with the words:

“We want to wish everyone a HAPPY PRIDE and encourage all of our LGBTQ+ fans to stand proud all year long! #pride #happypride #powerpuffyourself #pridemonth #powerpuffgirls”

It’s no secret many young girls love The Powerpuff Girls.

And their tweet used them as a way to encourage children to be “proud”… as in embrace the LGBT agenda.

LGBT activists are obsessed with targeting children.

And they know conservative moms don’t agree with pushing the LGBT agenda onto children, yet they continue to move forward just in spite, because they can.

Children can no longer sit down on Saturday mornings and enjoy cartoons without being forced to soak in the LGBT propaganda.

The Cartoon Network has already revealed pro-LGBT characters with same-sex couples and weddings.

And as Mommy Underground previously reported, other once beloved networks like Disney are pro-LGBT too…

… and don’t even get us started on the filth shown on Netflix!

Even more disturbing, the goal of the adults writing these scripts is clear – they want to indoctrinate children at a young age to buy into the LGBT agenda.

Those behind the scenes have made it clear they don’t respect traditional family values and have no desire to protect the purity and innocence of children.

Their goal is not “tolerance” or “acceptance” – their goal is dominance and force.

The Christian Post reported:

“Cartoon Network bills itself as being “the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for youth and families.” However, many parents object to media outlets pushing an agenda that contradicts their own beliefs on sexuality and marriage.

Twitter is not the only place where Cartoon Network is promoting LGBT pride, however. Cartoon Network is also doing so through its online shop and some of its cartoon characters themselves.”

Sadly, children can’t escape the LGBT madness.

During the week they are bombarded and traumatized with pro-LGBT messages in their schools, and libraries.

And every time moms try and shield their children from the firestorm, they are hit in another direction.

What are your thoughts on the Cartoon Network tweeting out a pro-LGBT tweet aimed at children?

Do you let your children watch cartoons anymore?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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