
Bill Gates Re-Invents The City, But Is This Best For Families?

Bill Gates Re-Invents The City, But Is This Best For Families?

A futuristic metropolis is something we thought could only be seen in movies. I think of the film The Fifth Element, with the hovering cars, eccentric outfits, and computer interactive homes. Turns out many progressive thinkers are working on making technology an intimate part of domestic life. We aren’t talking […]

This New “Abortion Barbie” Film Will Leave You Sick To Your Stomach

This New “Abortion Barbie” Film Will Leave You Sick To Your Stomach

Some politicians dedicate their lives to protecting innocent babies growing in their mother’s womb. Then there are politicians like Wendy Davis. Davis, most known for her 11-hour filibuster in support of abortion, is idolized in the pro-choice movement. And to further add insult to injury, liberal Hollywood has decided to […]

Giving Our Kids Nothing To Do Has Some Surprising Benefits

Giving Our Kids Nothing To Do Has Some Surprising Benefits

We all find ourselves in a state of constant busyness these days.  Often, we are overworked, overwhelmed, and exhausted. For whatever reason, our society has transformed in recent generations into one where a whirlwind of constant activity is expected. In fact, if you take a break to unwind for a […]

Planning and Creativity Will Benefit Your Kids – And Your Wallet – This Season

Planning and Creativity Will Benefit Your Kids – And Your Wallet – This Season

The holidays are just about here, and there is excitement in the air.  From cooking elaborate family meals, to freshening up our home for visitors, to the seemingly endless list of gifts to buy and cards to send, there is a lot to get done! Just like our kids, we […]

An Age-Old Form Of Discipline Seen In A New – And Shocking – Light

An Age-Old Form Of Discipline Seen In A New – And Shocking – Light

When it comes to parenting, we can count on the fact that we cannot always predict our kids’ behavior.  No matter how consistent and patient we are, no matter how much we teach them our rules, we cannot always count on them to be obedient. Every parent has their own […]

SHOCKING: LGBT Activists Attempt To Force This On Students, And Hide It From Parents

SHOCKING: LGBT Activists Attempt To Force This On Students, And Hide It From Parents

The LGBT community continues to target young children, attempting to confuse and brainwash impressionable young minds. At first, they attempted to get buy-in from parents, trying to convince them to accept their child’s “choice” regarding what gender they want to be. When that didn’t work, they knew they had to […]

The Sad Fact Is You Are Your Child’s Only Line Of Defense

The Sad Fact Is You Are Your Child’s Only Line Of Defense

The world we live in is increasingly becoming hostile to conservatives and families who desire to instill traditional family values in their children. The left continues to push their agenda of homosexuality and other liberal perversions in every aspect of our daily life. But while conservatives focus on the obvious […]

Adoption: The Forgotten Option In Pregnancy

Adoption: The Forgotten Option In Pregnancy

The battle between pro-life guardians and pro-abort advocates has reached an all-time high. For those who wish to have an abortion, they often back it up with statements such as “I can’t afford to raise a child”, or “I’m unfit to be a mother.” Thinking these options justify taking an […]

If An Unkept Home Causes You Panic, You Are Not Alone

If An Unkept Home Causes You Panic, You Are Not Alone

After breakfast, you clear the table and wash the dishes. You step into the living room to find that in an effort to locate a particular toy, the kids have dismantled a few toy boxes. The first question that pops into your head is, “How did they create such a […]

Does Birth Order Influence Your Child’s Personality? Here’s What The Experts Say

Does Birth Order Influence Your Child’s Personality? Here’s What The Experts Say

There are many stereotypes linked to one’s birth order. The oldest is known as the mature responsible one. The youngest gets the reputation as the “wild-child.” And the middle child is often forgotten about completely or known as the level-headed peacemaker. But is there any truth to these stereotypes? Experts […]