
This Disturbing Incident Shows A Need For Change In School Discipline

This Disturbing Incident Shows A Need For Change In School Discipline

Every parent worries about their child when they are not with them.  We cannot control situations they may experience when they are away from our care, and this includes while they are in school. While we do our best to stay involved and informed about our child’s school day –we […]

Mom Shamed By Ignorant Observer

Mom Shamed By Ignorant Observer

Moms often have to get creative when we are in an environment outside of our home in order to keep our children compliant, and non-destructive. Thinking outside the box may involve some unconventional practices, but never at the expense of our children’s safety and well-being. Despite the mother’s master ingenuity […]

These Childhood Relationships Have Lasting Benefit

These Childhood Relationships Have Lasting Benefit

Forming friendships and being viewed in a positive light by their peers are very important to our children, even at a young age. From the time they are little, we try to encourage our children to include everyone in their play, to share, and to treat others as they would […]

Judge Sides With Rapist And Forces Rape Survivor To Do The Unthinkable

Judge Sides With Rapist And Forces Rape Survivor To Do The Unthinkable

A young 12-year old girl was raped and became pregnant in the process. Instead of choosing to end her pregnancy and get an abortion, this brave young woman chose life and decided to raise her baby. As if having to deal with the trauma of surviving sexual assault isn’t awful […]

This Often Ignored Parenting Problem Leaves Many Moms On Edge

This Often Ignored Parenting Problem Leaves Many Moms On Edge

Becoming a mother is life-changing.  It changes you as a person, and it changes the way you view others. Motherhood is also an unpredictable journey.  We have our own way of doing things, but also want a sympathetic ear from someone who is going through the same thing. Or we […]

Planning Ahead Will Save You Heartbreak

Planning Ahead Will Save You Heartbreak

While you still may be focused on getting the kids adjusted to their new school routines, there are things that just might creep up on you without a little planning ahead. We’re already halfway through October! Holiday celebrations are beginning to pop up and pumpkin spice is in the air. […]

The New Mom Epidemic – And What You Can Do About It

The New Mom Epidemic – And What You Can Do About It

We are moms, and we are always tired, right?  We juggle a million little things a day, not the least of which include raising little ones and running a household.  We also work in and outside of the home with countless responsibilities on our shoulders.  It’s no wonder we have […]

School Principal Loses It And Makes Shocking Remarks About Teenage Girls

School Principal Loses It And Makes Shocking Remarks About Teenage Girls

High school is a tough time for teenage girls. Their bodies are changing. The constant peer pressure to fit in and be accepted and of course, fashion magazines make it even worse for teen girls. As a result, teen girls often resort to starving themselves or take up other eating […]

Know When To Say No To ‘Mommy’s Best Friend’

Know When To Say No To ‘Mommy’s Best Friend’

You have an 8:00 appointment and it’s 7:45. One child has only one shoe on, and you can’t find your keys; all the while your baby is testing out those lungs with a constant arpeggio. Then you remember your secret weapon, the pacifier. Once you pop that thing in, your […]

Family Outing Leaves Young Child In A Frightening Situation

Family Outing Leaves Young Child In A Frightening Situation

As parents, we are often juggling multiple responsibilities, and none of us are perfect.But we must always remain vigilant, especially when on an outing with our little ones. Young children don’t usually have any fear or awareness of what can happen in the outside world, and they can wander off […]