
The Hidden Key To Happy Aging Is Right In Front Of Us

The Hidden Key To Happy Aging Is Right In Front Of Us

There is no reason the happiest day of your life can’t be every day. Sure, there are pivotal moments in your life that you can’t recreate; like falling in love, getting married, or having a baby. Monumental experiences help shape the direction of your life, but the connections you make […]

What Every Child With ADHD Wish You Knew

What Every Child With ADHD Wish You Knew

Children with ADHD often get a bad reputation. Teachers without proper training often label them as “naughty” and assume they are deliberately trying to cause trouble. Strangers give disapproving looks, scolding you to “discipline your child” more. Sadly, even some parents are seen yelling “sit still” at their child. But […]

Are You At Higher Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer?

Are You At Higher Risk Of Developing Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer. Those two words are enough to send shivers down every woman’s spine, as most of us know someone who has either fought or lost their lives battling it out. A cancer that does not discriminate, breast cancer is a killer disease which has taken the lives of many […]

Eating Healthy Just Got A Little Bit Harder

Eating Healthy Just Got A Little Bit Harder

As moms, we try to make healthy choices for our family. We make smart grocery lists, meal plan, prep, and cook. We are the gatekeeper to our family’s health. But food labels can be tricky. While some companies work towards making their labels easier to decipher, others are omitting or […]

Latest Liberal Call For “Tolerance” Will Endanger Lives

Latest Liberal Call For “Tolerance” Will Endanger Lives

Liberal Democrats are determined to use their political power to force through legislation all in the name of “tolerance”, even if it could cost someone their life. But their latest stunt is so outrageous, they have literally endangered the lives of innocent people, all in the name of “tolerance”, and […]

Big Pharma Company Lies And Cheats To Swindle Their Foe

Big Pharma Company Lies And Cheats To Swindle Their Foe

We all know the seemingly eternal battle between the pharmaceutical giants and everyone else. The typical scenario – The drug company has done something wrong but attempts to cover it up with piles of money. In most of these cases, numerous people were harmed by a medication they had expected […]

The New Mom Epidemic – And What You Can Do About It

The New Mom Epidemic – And What You Can Do About It

We are moms, and we are always tired, right?  We juggle a million little things a day, not the least of which include raising little ones and running a household.  We also work in and outside of the home with countless responsibilities on our shoulders.  It’s no wonder we have […]

Amazing Super Drink Can Curb Appetite And Make You Smarter

Amazing Super Drink Can Curb Appetite And Make You Smarter

Many people search for quick fixes and easy cures for common ailments. The search is even more ardent for weight loss answers. There is a drink that can help prevent, and treat, a host of diseases, cancers, and weight loss complications. Science shows that focusing on gut, dubbed your “Second […]

The Amazing Science Behind Your “Second Brain”

The Amazing Science Behind Your “Second Brain”

Are you looking to lose weight, increase you mood, and ward off diseases? The answer to accomplishing all of this is probably not what you expected. Complex arrays of neurons and countless micro-organisms are controlled by a brain that sets the function for the entire body. This brain regulating your […]

This Drink Has Surprising Benefits For Your Body

This Drink Has Surprising Benefits For Your Body

These days, alkaline water is all the rage. Celebrities are often seen sipping on the pH balanced water, and health food stores can’t seem to keep their shelves stocked with its bottles. And while critics may question the health benefits of alkaline water, studies show this special type of water […]