
Top 7 Ironies With “March For Our Lives”

Top 7 Ironies With “March For Our Lives”

Thousands of people flooded the streets of cities all over the nation, including D.C. Motivations for marching were to protest “gun violence” or so the media claimed. March For Our Lives was more of an emotional roller coaster for your viewing pleasure than a political stance. Many key elements of […]

This Easter Sunday, Make Sure You Remember The Main Point

This Easter Sunday, Make Sure You Remember The Main Point

With Easter quickly approaching, you may be shopping for a new Easter dress or coloring bright colored Easter eggs with your children. While it’s fine to partake in innocent traditions, make sure you are not missing the entire point of Easter. In fact, if you grasp the real meaning of […]

Planned Parenthood Demands Disney Expose Young Girls To The Unthinkable

Planned Parenthood Demands Disney Expose Young Girls To The Unthinkable

Planned Parenthood officially went off the deep end and tweeted an outrageous post for the world to see. Even worse, this post targeted young girls in the worst possible way. And in typical Planned Parenthood fashion, they used Disney to lure young girls into accepting this horrific act. Planned Parenthood […]

You Won’t Believe What This “Transgender” Principal Did To His Students

You Won’t Believe What This “Transgender” Principal Did To His Students

Overnight, one male principle suddenly “decided” he wanted to be a female, and change his gender. Leading up to a traumatizing series of events, he involved his students and their parents in the unthinkable. Even worse, you won’t believe what he expected parents to tell their children about his sudden […]

Skyrocketing Trend Is Evidence Of Our Failing Public Schools

Skyrocketing Trend Is Evidence Of Our Failing Public Schools

Parents who wish to foster traditional values in their children have been facing an uphill battle in recent years.  Our nation’s schools are becoming less about academics and more about indoctrinating our youth with liberal propaganda. With the social and political climate of the nation becoming more divided and tumultuous […]

Maryland School Shooting Claims Another Victim

Maryland School Shooting Claims Another Victim

The nation was rattled again last week with the shooting of students from Great Mills High School in Maryland. Merely a month after the horrendous events in Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, another disturbed young man took lives. Seventeen innocent children lost their lives in Florida. And while […]

Social Media Giant’s Liberal Bias Is Becoming Dangerous

Social Media Giant’s Liberal Bias Is Becoming Dangerous

Over the last decade, it has become obvious that mainstream media outlets are blatant in their liberal bias.  Conservative viewpoints and issues are ignored, and the agenda of the liberal left is spread in a widespread attack of propaganda on American citizens. Online social media sites have become the go-to […]

Here’s What The Media Won’t Tell You About The “March For Our Lives” Protest

Here’s What The Media Won’t Tell You About The “March For Our Lives” Protest

Over the weekend, thousands of teens gathered at the “March For Our Lives” rally, protesting guns and demanding politicians ban firearms for law-abiding citizens. The media attempted to portray the narrative as a gathering of innocent teens who just wanted to “share their voice.” But in reality, this rally was […]

The Gender War Rages On: You Won’t Believe Why This Teen Got Kicked Out Of Class

The Gender War Rages On: You Won’t Believe Why This Teen Got Kicked Out Of Class

The attack on gender has reached a staggering new level, and it is starting to have serious consequences. Liberals are determined to force their pro “transgender” rhetoric into every arena, and completely eliminate referring to people as male and female. But what happened in this classroom will shock you, as […]

A Political Free-Speech Showdown To Protect Unborn Babies Has Reached The Supreme Court

A Political Free-Speech Showdown To Protect Unborn Babies Has Reached The Supreme Court

The battle between pro-aborts and pro-lifers has reached the nation’s highest court yet again, as the Supreme Court has allowed oral arguments regarding a California law designed to increase abortions. Arguments are heated as both sides plead their case in what’s being dubbed as a “free speech” political showdown. But […]