Teach Your Child These Core Values Before Their Teenage Years

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash


Every mom wants their precious child to grow up into an emotionally healthy and stable adult.

But with society and culture actively working against the family unit, now more than ever it’s crucial to instill core values into children while they are still young.

By teaching your child these critical skills in their preteen years – you are setting them up for success – not to mention instilling a firm foundation that will help them get through life.

Here are core values every child should learn before they reach high-school:



Teach your child early on their actions have consequences.

The goal isn’t to “punish them” – but instead to show them in a practical way how their decisions impact not just the present – but their future.

Whether it’s teaching your child the dangers of peer pressure – or the effects of refusing to study for a test – they’ll learn you won’t always be there to cover for them or get them out of a mess.

Now more than ever, let your child know they can always come to you if they get in trouble – and they don’t have to hide their mistakes from you.

While they’ll still be held accountable – teach them you are a safe place to run to.



Teach your child early on that while everyone may not always be right or even have different viewpoints from them – it’s important to demonstrate respect to others.

This includes everything from not shouting over their peers, to refusing to stoop low and call people names during disagreements.

And while it’s important to teach your children to respect others – don’t forget to teach them to respect themselves.Respect includes emotional decisions like making healthy friendship choices and recognizing the warning signs of a toxic friends.

It also includes physical respect (especially for young girls) in learning to respect and protect their own bodies.


Empathy & Compassion

In a world that tells us everything is about us – it’s crucial we teach our kids it’s not.

Showing them how to put themselves in the place of another will help them develop compassion when their friends are sad and hurting.

They’ll be able to truly empathize when someone is hurting – instead of being confused at what to do.

When children learn not to be selfish or dismissive of the world around them – it makes them more generous too.



Teach your kids they won’t always win or finish 1st – and that’s okay.

Many children are taught “they can do anything” and when they receive their first loss they are absolutely devastated.

Show your children the art of falling – and getting back up to fight another day.

When life’s hits happen (and they will) – having a child who has learned to adapt and not be devastated by every loss will set them on a good path.

And remember moms – your children are watching how you act. If you are not respectful to the lady at the supermarket or if you always seem to blame the world around you for your troubles (instead of holding yourself accountable when you mess up) – your children will learn bad habits.

But, if you take the time to teach them these core values (and live them out yourself) – you’ll be amazed at how they’ll stick with them throughout life!

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