This Mother Will Do Anything To Save The Life Of Her Baby

Photo by Fé Ngô on Unsplash


Imagine having a sick child – and knowing only an expensive medical treatment could save them.

If you’re like most mothers, you’d climb to the ends of the earth and do anything to save your precious child.

And for mom Anna Kudriavska, once she learned the treatment to save her one-year-old baby would cost 2-million dollars, instead of giving up, she sprung to action and started a worldwide quest.

Egor, her sweet baby boy, suffers from spinal muscular atrophy which requires three-hour treatment sessions – 5 times a week.

That’s a whopping 15 hours a week of therapy!

One can’t even imagine what this poor baby has been through at such a young age – needing so much medical intervention.

His condition causes weakness in his muscles which makes normal activities like walking, running, lifting one’s head, and even breathing difficult.

In fact, the condition worsens with age, and can even cause life-threatening respiratory problems.

As it turns out, a drug called Zolgensma also nicknamed “the most expensive drug on the market” could help Egor live a somewhat normal life.

But when Anna received a quote from an Ohio hospital with a $2.3 million dollar price tag she knew there was no way she could afford such expensive treatment.

COVID-19 and lockdowns made things even more difficult, and she knew she needed to start some sort of online fundraiser.

She thought GoFundMe could work, but they don’t allow people living in the Ukraine to start online fundraisers – so she reached out to a friend in Austria who started one for her.

The tricky part is – for the drug to work and help slow down the damage – he needs to receive it before he turns 2-years old – and every day counts.

While it’s not a cure, it can definitely change the entire trajectory of his life.

Scary Mommy reported:

“Even after Egor receives Zolgensma, he’ll need specialized care. He’ll need to continue his rehabilitation sessions for the rest of his life and be under the observation of a neurologist, orthopedist, rehabilitation specialist, pulmonologist, and gastroenterologist. But it is a drug that can save and change a little baby’s life, and can keep open doors that might otherwise have closed. It’s a drug that can feel like a miracle to a mother whose love is nothing short of extraordinary.”

Instead of being overcome by despair, Anna is hopeful they can raise the funds.

She plans to spread the word to as many people as possible to help her precious son get the miracle treatment he needs to save his life.

Since the drug only came to the market in 2019, Anna is thankful the treatment is available and at least an option.

The love between a mother and her child is unshakeable.

No amount of money could slow down or stop a mother trying to save her precious baby.

If you’d like to read more about Egor’s story and donate to help save his life you can do so here.

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