This Nation Is Quickly Jumping Off A Cliff To Appease The Left

The left’s global takeover of traditional values and their anti-life agenda continues at a fever-pitch.

Their propaganda has reached into every corner of the globe, and even international organizations are changing policies that are slowly eradicating centuries of tradition.

Now one country that has always been a stronghold of traditional values is slipping further into the left’s grasp.

It is widely known that the citizens of the U.K. have fallen into the hands of a far-left socialist government who now controls their health and holds their basic human rights in their hands, ready to be discarded on a whim.

But Ireland, for centuries a nation based on traditional Catholic values, is introducing its second major policy change against the family.

Mommy Underground recently reported on the May 25th vote to overturn Ireland’s Eighth Amendment banning abortion.

The propaganda of the left targeted Ireland’s younger generation and the nation tragically voted to change their Constitution which had previously made abortion illegal.

Now, on the heels of that decision, and with the left’s socialist agenda spreading from the U.K., Ireland’s Minister of Health made another shocking announcement.

The government is strongly considering dropping the requirement that Irish citizens undergo a mental health screening prior to receiving hormone therapy to change genders.

Simon Harris is set to meet with transgender activists and groups in the LGBT community to discuss how the country can make it easier for them to make dangerous, life-altering changes to their biology – going so far as to indicate they will create sweeping new international standards.

Currently, Ireland’s Health Services Executive (HSE), the government’s health care administration, requires transgender individuals to visit a general practitioner who refers the patient to a mental health professional for screening.

Patients must undergo a rigorous screening to receive a diagnosis from these physicians before they are able to apply for hormonal treatments.  And the very fact that the country requires these screenings is that they always considered being transgender a mental health issue – until now.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently expanded its leftist policies in an official international report stating that gender dysphoria would no longer be considered a mental illness.

The WHO’s report was the catalyst for Ireland’s decision to revisit their traditional policies and to loosen the regulations that previously prevented transgenders an easy path toward transition.

Mommy Underground reported on the WHO’s dangerous changes to international guidelines that will have tragic consequences all over the globe.

And the current system that addresses Irish citizens who desire to transition includes only two endocrinologists in the entire country who are able to prescribe and provide dangerous hormonal treatments.

These limitations have previously allowed for a waiting period, sometimes of up to two years, that created a window for citizens to reconsider their dangerous decision to change genders.

Four out of ten transgender Americans have attempted suicide – nearly ten times greater than the national average – and the statistic is thought to be the same in other nations.

Dangerous hormonal treatments used in gender transitioning can cause blood clots, cancer, and even death.  And that is not to mention the mutilating surgeries required to fully transition to the opposite gender.

Ireland is still a predominantly Catholic nation, but it appears that centuries of tradition based on Biblical truths are going out the window, beginning with the legalization of abortion in May.

Like the U.K., Ireland is now on a path to eradicate Christian values in their quest to cave to the pressure and scare tactics of the left.

And they are ready to further eradicate policies put in place to protect citizens with the decision to not only declassify gender dysphoria as a mental health issue, but to make it far easier to access dangerous medical treatments to reverse their biological genders.

Activist Mommy remarked:  “Are we to reduce dramatically altering our body’s hormones to something as casual as taking a vitamin?  This is beyond insane.”

Once the most traditional Christian nation in the world, Ireland is now jumping on the bandwagon of an international quest to eradicate the family in the form that God intended.

And in doing so, they are putting citizens with mental health issues on an easy path toward destruction with serious implications.

What do you think of the latest tragic change to Ireland’s policies that formerly supported traditional values and a Biblical foundation for its citizens?  Leave us your comments.