Incorporating This Into Your Child’s Routine Can Lead To Better Sleep For The Whole Family

It is perhaps the most common – and frustrating – parenting problem around.  How do you get your child to sleep, and stay asleep for the night?

No matter how consistent our bedtime routines may be, or how hard we work to make the perfect sleep environment for our children, the fact is, there will be times when little ones struggle to sleep.

They may be sick, teething, overtired from a busy day – any number of little things can throw off our child’s full night of rest, and leave parents sleep-deprived in the process.  But there is one easy way to help bring a comfortable and peaceful night back into the household, and it is simple and effective.

Many parents have become aware of just how many toxic chemicals there are in the products we use every day, and many of us are looking for healthy and natural alternatives for common childhood discomforts like illness or irritability.

Essential oils have become more popular than ever, and if the correct ones are used and properly dispensed, they can be a great sleep aid for children – and a lifesaver for parents.

The Baby Sleep Site recommends:

It is very important to make sure that your aromatherapy essential oils are pure therapeutic grade. Some store bought essential oils can have unwanted ingredients like fillers, pesticides, chemicals, fragrance and other synthetic additives, which don’t have the same healing benefits as pure oil. It’s also important to remember that less is more! Often, 1 or 2 drops is all you need.

Remember to always, always use a carrier oil when using essential oils on […] and children. Carrier oils need to be used for a few reasons – they help dilute the very concentrated essential oils, they help aid in distributing the oils evenly, and they prevent the essential oils from evaporating too quickly.

Good carrier oils include olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil. Dilution ratios are approximately 1-2 drops per 2 tablespoons of carrier oil for a […], and 1-2 drops per 1/2-1 teaspoon for a toddler or preschooler.

When using essential oils for toddlers and children, you should follow the guidelines exactly as listed on each particular type of oil, make sure they’re always properly diluted for your child’s age, and follow the instructions for use with any type of diffuser or humidifier.

Using essential oils can become an enjoyable and comforting part of a child’s bedtime routine.  The process can be incorporated beginning with bath time by adding a few drops to the water along with a carrier oil.  You can continue the routine by adding a drop or two into a carrier oil and massaging it into their shoulders or the bottom of their feet.

Many children enjoy having a soothing oil diffuser in their bedrooms (out of reach, of course).  You can make your child part of the process by allowing them to pick out a diffuser with a fun design or by smelling the different types of oils to see which ones they like best.

Or if using a roller bottle for application, your child can help fill the bottle with your supervision and even decorate it with stickers.  Children always enjoy having a sense of involvement in their routines, and love to help mom and dad.

A drop or two can also be put on a favorite stuffed animal – your child can even pretend to give the animal a massage on the feet or shoulders, just like they’re getting.

The Baby Sleep Site continued:

Now, when it comes to choosing oils, it’s important to note that how oils affect the nervous system will vary from person to person – so you may need to try other oils around bedtime to help your […] relax. Oils that work for your friends’ children may not work for yours. In fact, certain oils can actually have opposite effects on different people. For instance, wild orange is generally used as an energizing, pick-me-up oil for adults, but it can have the opposite effect on children, and be wonderfully calming before bed.

Essential oils can not only benefit children’s sleep when healthy, but specific combinations can be used for common childhood ailments that interfere with sleep.  Abundant Health recommends some mixtures that work well for common discomforts:

  • Common Cold: Cedarwood, lemon, Melaleuca ericifolia, […], rose, sandalwood, or thyme. Combine 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil with 2 drops melaleuca (Tea Tree), 1 drop lemon, and 1 drop rose otto. Massage a little of the blend on neck and chest.

  • Constipation: Ginger, mandarin, orange, or […] Dilute one of the oils and massage on stomach and feet.

  • Diaper Rash: Lavender (dilute and apply). Combine 1 drop Roman chamomile and 1 drop lavender with vegetable oil and apply.

  • Earache: Lavender, melaleuca (Tea Tree), Melaleuca ericifolia, Roman chamomile, or thyme (sweet). Put a diluted drop of oil on a cotton ball and place on the surface of the ear; rub a little bit of diluted oil behind the ear. 

As long as these oils are used carefully according to the directions and the age of your child, the possibilities for incorporating their use into your child’s bedtime routine are endless – and the process and healing properties can help mom or dad after a long day as well.

Do you use any essential oils to help your child sleep?  How do you incorporate their use into bedtime?  Leave us your thoughts in the comments.