Archive for May, 2017

Open Communication Is Key To This Family Transition

Open Communication Is Key To This Family Transition

Homeschooling your children can be a wonderful experience and the desire for parents to teach their children at home has increased significantly in recent years. Some parents find it comes so naturally and is such a positive experience for the family that they homeschool for the entirety of their child’s […]

The Left’s Hypocritical Quest To Silence Conservative Women

The Left’s Hypocritical Quest To Silence Conservative Women

It is no secret the mainstream media is liberally biased, portraying the issues of the left as those of all Americans. Television shows, commercials, and of course, network news outlets continually push the envelope to develop storylines in which the entire country is for progressive change, feminism, and “alternative” lifestyles. […]

A Surprising Group Of Americans Are Becoming Gun Owners

A Surprising Group Of Americans Are Becoming Gun Owners

Conservatives are proud of our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. Many Americans carry a firearm and keep them in their homes for defense of their families. And in the last decade, women have become the fastest growing demographic of American gun owners. Breitbart reported: [A local news […]

Trump’s Plan Aims To Reduce Stress On The American Family

Trump’s Plan Aims To Reduce Stress On The American Family

Ever since the feminist uprising of the 1960s, most American women have been forced to abandon their traditional roles as stay-at-home moms. The rise in inflation and the cost of living has made it a necessity for most families to have two incomes. Increasingly, unless there is a trusted family […]