4 Organizational Hacks To Simplify Your Life Right Now

  1. Involve Your Children:

If your child hates cleaning up their toys, make it fun! By making cleaning/organizing kid-friendly, your child is sure to join in.

Consider hooks at their level to hang up their jacket or other clothing items. Buy bright colored bins from the dollar store and other fun containers to create a kid-friendly shelf for organization.

Try a picture label to show your smaller children where items go – such as blocks in one bin, cars in another, etc.

If you make your child part of the solution, they’ll learn to develop organizational hacks at a young age.

  1. Use Basic Items To Help:

Moms, DO NOT run out to the store and spend hundreds of dollars on organizing kits! Use items around your house that are simple, but can go a long way

Think binder clips are a needless item?

Guess again!

Parents reported:

Binder clips are great multitaskers. I use them to tie cords together, to organize my headphones in my purse, to close a bag of chips, and more.

 I use Post-It Notes for everything, especially in the early stages of organizing when I’m putting things into categories. I even write my to-do list on a Post-it and put it by the door to grab when I go out.”

 The key is, find what system works for you and use it. If it’s post-it notes, great. Do dry erase boards work for you? Then use those.

Try out different techniques until you find one that works best for your family.