Date Night Ideas For Quality Mommy And Child Time

  1. Volunteer Together:

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Moms, your child is watching everything you do. Even when you think they are not, they are paying attention to how you act, and what you do.

If you lead and set the example by volunteering for a cause you believe in, that sets the example for your child to follow.

Whether it is serving soup at a kitchen feeding the homeless, or working at a dog shelter helping abandoned dogs get adopted, volunteering is good for the soul.

Teaching your child the world is not about them is an important lesson to learn at a young age.

Showing your child how they can help make the world a better place by sacrificing their time for someone else is bound to teach them an important lesson about life.

While these are just ideas, think about family activities you enjoy.

Customize your mother/child date night to something that speaks for your family.

It can be something as simple as an afternoon together at the library, or a dressy event out on the town.

The most important thing is your child feels the love of a mother, by spending quality time together.

Moms, what are some ideas you have for a date night with your child?

How often do you get to spend alone time with your child.

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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