Get Pregnant Faster By Using These Body Prep Tips

  1. Exercise regularly

Mom’s get shamed on social media a lot for working out while pregnant, but exercising prior to getting pregnant in the same fashion you would workout during pregnancy is great.

Today’s Parent reported:

“Anecdotally, I find that women who exercise regularly seem to enjoy pregnancy more and lose more weight postpartum,” says Abells. The trick is to get into shape pre-pregnancy so that you can reap the benefits during and after.”

It is recommended by the experts to maintain the same workout you were doing before you got pregnant, during pregnancy.

You don’t want to start a new vigorous regime because working out to exhaustion can actually reduce fertility.

So, pick up those dumbbells or hit the asphalt, and get that body ready for the big day.

  1. Eat well

A person’s diet is the biggest indicator of health. If you eat a lot of processed food, and avoid fruits and veggies like the plague, your body won’t be at an optimum place to conceive.

You know that folate we talked about? You can get it from some whole food sources as well.

Eat whole wheat and leafy greens for a boost of folate, but don’t stop taking it in the multi-vitamin to ensure you get enough.

Toady’s Parent reports on Neemez Kassam’s, a naturopathic doctor and an associate professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, advice on diet while trying to get pregnant:

You want to eat foods with lots of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron, says Kassam. Fortified cereal may combine all three nutrients. For vitamin B12, the best food sources are seafood, beef, lamb, dairy products and eggs. Folic acid can be found in foods such as leafy green vegetables, oranges, beans and lentils. And seafood, nuts, seeds, beef, lamb, beans and whole grains are all high in iron.”

And for the real intake we are all concerned about, coffee, you can can consume 200-300 mg a day while trying to conceive, according to Amanda Selk, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto.

This works out to be about 1-2 cups of regular coffee, not 2 cups of Starbucks venti cups, but up to 2 house mugs.

All of these tips are good for you, so at least this way you will be bettering yourself while on the way to motherhood.

Getting pregnant is a big change for your body. Preparing it for the life altering transition you will hopefully experience soon is the best thing you can do to get ready.

When your healthy your body is better able to do what it is designed to do. So, eat healthy, get moving, and see your way to your very own bundle of joy.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have used these tips to get pregnant, or if you have your own way you like to increase fertility.