If Your Child Is Frequently Sick – First Check What’s Inside Your Home

  1. Dust And Mold:

It happens in even the cleanest homes – the dreaded mold.

If you live in an older home, this problem may be more prevalent.

But a word of caution – be careful about the cleaning products you use!

Some cleaning products literally have a poison symbol on the bottle.

Using these products means you are spraying them in the air, and then inhaling them.

Consider investing in an air purifier for your child’s room.

These machines are great at catching particles in the air and helping the air to be clean and breathable.

And make sure your vacuum has a HEPA filter (that you actually change).

Finally, make sure you are regularly washing their linens and keeping dust protection covers over pillows and blankets.

These simple things will make a world of difference in the air your family breathes.

By making these changes, your child’s environment is sure to improve. It’s not that your child won’t get sick, but they shouldn’t be getting 4-5 ear infections or colds every month.

Moms, what are some ways you keep your home safe and healthy for your family?

Were you surprised by any of these known culprits?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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