Say Goodbye To Summer With These Fun Ideas For Labor Day

Community Helpers…

Many schools do units on “community helpers” because they are so interesting to kids.  Who doesn’t love learning about what firefighters or police officers do, or doctors or veterinarians?

Kids are fascinated by what adults do.  Discuss your career with your kids.  What got you interested in the job that you chose?  Did you think you’d be in that field when you were their age?

There are many printables online about jobs and community helpers.  Print out some coloring sheets of their favorite workers, or make a firefighter’s or construction worker’s hat, a police badge, or other fun crafts about your child’s “dream” job.

Fill an old bag with envelopes or old catalogs and let your child “deliver the mail” or take out their toy doctor’s kit and let them give their stuffed animals a “check-up” if they think they’d like to be a vet.

This is also a great time to continue your discussion on how we all work together to make America strong by looking at pictures and talking about our armed forces.

Is there a military member in your family?  Look at photos and have them “interview” that person to ask why they decided to fight for our nation.

Another special tradition kids can take part in is writing “thank you” letters to people in your community who help get things done!

Kids can make a card for the mail carrier and stick it in the mailbox.  Or draw a picture and make a batch of cookies to deliver to your local fire station.

And, of course, since school is getting underway, a thank you to their teacher will be much appreciated.

These little tokens of appreciation will put a smile on the face of anyone working in the community that you or your child interact with – and will teach your kids how important each person’s work is to make our nation run smoothly.

Remember, holidays are a time to make memories and establish traditions that your kids will cherish.

Use our suggestions or make up some fun ideas of your own!

Mommy Underground wishes you a safe and happy Labor Day and a smooth transition from summer to school year!

Do you have any favorite Labor Day traditions – a recipe for your cookout, a special weekend trip, or fun craft idea?  Share it with us!