Say Goodbye To Summer With This Fun Family DIY

Tossing games .

A few days before your planned backyard carnival, save the cans from vegetables, soups, and sauces.  Mom or Dad can clean them out and check for sharp edges and then pass them off to the kids to paint or decorate with stickers or colored tape to make fun patterns.

Line them up or stack them on carnival day, give the kids a small ball or beanbags to throw, and that’s all there is to it!  You can also easily make your own beanbag toss by cutting shapes out of a piece of foam board and letting the kids decorate it however they like.

And don’t worry if you don’t have beanbags laying around.  Kids can make them by scooping some dried beans into ziploc bags – just keep an eye on the little ones so they don’t end up opening up the bags.

An easy tossing game can also be made by purchasing a few sand buckets and allowing little ones to toss in beanbags or balls.  You can number the buckets and place them different distances away, awarding a prize for the perfect toss!