Take The Stress Out Of The School Year With These Fun Tips

All. Those. Papers.

Before the start of the school year, set up a “command center.”  No, this doesn’t have to be one of those Pinterest-perfect walls of boards and calendars, but the general idea is a good one.

Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can set up a small organization center in the kitchen, by the front door, or even on the side of the refrigerator.

Dry-erase calendars work great because we all know that plans and activities can change at a moment’s notice.  Buy a pack of dry-erase markers and assign each child a color.  If your child can write, make sure they add any activity or assignment for the next day as soon as they come home from school while it is still fresh in their mind.

A small filing basket (they even make magnetic ones that attach to the fridge) is the perfect place for papers and other reminders.  Grab a pack of colorful file folders and give each child “their” color – the same color they use on the dry-erase board.

These can be labeled for each day of the week, as well as one for things that have to go back to school the next day.  And, mom, you get a color too!

Have the kids put any papers that need to be immediately signed in your folder when they get home from school.  We’ve all been “that” mom who is running their child to the bus stop in our p.j.s while we try to sign forgotten papers and permission slips during our mad dash.