These Free Summer Activities Teach Kids To Pay It Forward

Put together bags for a homeless shelter

Almost all homeless shelters are in need of simple items like socks, toiletries like soap and toothbrushes, and items like Bibles or books of crossword puzzles.

With a trip to the dollar store and a budget for each child, allow them to pick up several of each of these items to make a kit for someone staying in a homeless shelter.  Mom or Dad can call ahead to make sure what is or is not allowed and also find a time where you and your kids can deliver these items.

This is also a valuable life lesson for the kids.  We often take for granted simple pleasures like a warm pair of socks or a fresh bar of soap, but these are luxuries to people who are going through a tough time.

Make it a teachable moment by discussing your family’s blessings and how fortunate you are to have a safe place to live and family to share it with.  They will likely see other kids their age during their visit, and this experience may make a significant impact on them and leave a lasting reminder to practice gratitude and thankfulness every day.

Most homeless shelters also ask for volunteers to serve meals, especially on holidays like Thanksgiving, and this can be a wonderful way to finish out your family’s holiday celebration.