Top 8 Practical Approaches For Moms To Increase Savings

  1. Do smart entertainment

It is easy to get caught up in the latest flicks, wanting to catch things in the theater when they come out; at least for the kids, it is.

Try to wait to rent movies rather than see them in theaters. You can increase the movie experience by having popcorn and candy, and still not have to pay the exorbitant costs of going out.

Limit eating out to a monthly family event. Plan ahead when you are going to be out for the day with snacks and meals to reduce the temptation of the drive-thru.

For play dates and taking the toddlers on an excursion, choose parks, or free museums, rather than the pricey gaming and tunnels options.

Putting all these tips to use will not only shave money off your monthly expenses but give you some to put aside in savings.

Changing our lifestyle habits isn’t always easy, but small moves in the right direction will add up to big changes over time.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have found any of these tips useful, or if you have a money saving tip that has worked for you.