4 Clever Ways To Help The Medicine Go Down

  1. Get Creative:

Not all medicine has to be in the pill form. There are many ways to help your child feel better without pills.

If you are certified in knowing about essential oils, this can be a great way to help your child feel better. Those that know how to properly blend certain oils and mixes can use these on their children.

But please make sure you do not attempt to throw oils together if you are not trained, as they are potent and powerful, and can cause harm if you are not careful.

Another creative idea is to use syringes to help your child take hard to swallow liquids, as it’s a quick and easy way to make the medicine go down.

Getting your child to take medicine doesn’t have to turn into a full blown out battle. Try these simple tricks, and your child could turn out to actually enjoy the process!

What tips do you have to help children take medicine with ease?

Is there a favorite homemade medicine you use that your child seems to enjoy?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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