California School Ignores Parents And Forces Children To Do The Unthinkable

California teachers have taken the “transgender” agenda entirely too far.

It’s bad enough they force the propaganda down the throats of children in their classroom, but at least parents have the option to stop it and opt their children out – until now.

As it turns out, a controversial meeting took place where parents were shut down and silenced, giving teachers the authority to have free reign in the classrooms, even without parental consent and despite the objections of outraged parents.

Cited as a major blow to parental rights, this meeting was a huge win for the LGBT community and a major setback for parents.

During the heated school board meeting, the school board voted unanimously to not allow students to opt out of “transgenderism lessons.”

This means, teachers can teach whatever they want, including a transgender curriculum, even if the parents say no.

Furious, parents put together a proposal which would permit parents to look over sensitive information before it’s taught in the classroom.

LifeSite News reported:

“The model proposal would allow parents to review sensitive material before it hits the classroom and to opt their children out of controversial lessons that are not sex education. California law requires parental notice and opt-out for sex education.

And while the five-member board approved a policy to notify parents for lessons on controversial subjects, the amendment was “really weak,” says Greg Burt of the California Family Council.

“There’s no mandatory requirement,” he told LifeSiteNews.

The board policy directs teachers to “try to notify parents” when “something controversial comes up” but “doesn’t require any accountability if the teacher doesn’t do it,” Burt said.

It’s completely disrespectful to disregard parents and use an interpreted technicality to go around them.

As Mommy Underground previously reported, parents shouldn’t have to worry about teachers presenting inappropriate material.

And now that they have gotten away with it, things will only get worse.

LifeSite News continued:

“Monday’s board meeting was the latest event in a controversy that erupted when a kindergarten boy transitioned to a girl in class at Rocklin Academy Gateway and neither parents nor administration were told beforehand.

The boy reportedly changed into girl’s clothes and was reintroduced to his class as a girl. Teacher Kaelin Swaney also read two pro-transgender books, including I am Jazz, in the lesson that took place just before summer vacation.

A number of angry parents complained to the board that their five-year-olds had been traumatized and were fearful they could “change” into the opposite sex.

The Rocklin school board countered it didn’t have to tell parents about lessons on transgenderism because it wasn’t sex-ed, and that discrimination based on gender identity is against the law in California.”

Rogue teachers are on the loose and are raging terror in their classrooms.

Determined to force their progressive agenda onto all Americans, they are shamefully targeting the most vulnerable – innocent children.

Children are raised to trust in their teacher’s authority to teach them, but with backhanded agendas and ulterior motives, children are no longer safe in the classroom.

For a teacher to ignore the wishes of a parent, to prove a political talking point shows some teachers truly do not have the child’s best interest at heart.

While California parents momentarily suffered a temporary defeat, parents must not give up the good fight.

If parents don’t fight for their children, who will?

Conservative moms need to unite together to take down leftist teachers, who do not have their children’s best interest at heart.

The left’s obsession with targeting children with the “transgender” agenda, must be stopped before it’s too late.

What would you do, if you found out your child was being taught a curriculum that went against your belief system?

What message do you have to teachers who insist on teaching children all about “transgender” identities?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.