Every Child With An Invisible Disability Wants The World To Stop Doing This

Some disabilities are obvious – such as those who are in a wheelchair, or children who walk with a cane or a service dog because they are blind.

People often know to make accommodations for the obvious – but what about those who have a disability that is not often seen?

Often met with rejection or disapproving stares, children with invisible disabilities want the world to stop doing this major thing.


Just because a child has an invisible disability, doesn’t mean he can’t feel the coldness from a disapproving stare.

Admit it, we’ve all seen the “out of control” child in the store.

The one who can’t seem to sit still, or listen to his mother.

But some children have different intellectual disabilities that don’t allow their brains to operate like others.

They just don’t.

For example, some children with autism struggle with hearing loud noises. The sounds are absolutely crushing and cause behaviors to escalate.

Even the sound of a phone ringing could set them off.

Things taken for granted such as being able to tolerate crowds or bright noises could cause a child with special needs to have a full-blown meltdown.

Other children have anxiety and freeze up in public, and don’t like to be around strangers.

The key is, these are disabilities that aren’t physical or always obvious.

But just because these disabilities can’t be seen, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

And as Mommy Underground previously reported, certain words should never be said to a mother raising a child with special needs.

One mom reports the dilemma she faces raising a child with autism.

She debates if she should make his disability “known” by disclosing it or keep it quiet.

Just because a child has a disability, doesn’t mean they should be excluded from social activities!

Oftentimes, this social interaction is exactly what they need, even if they resist it at first.

Scary Mommy reports on this mom’s real dilemma:

“Now that my son is school age, I am in a constant struggle with myself over the decision to disclose his disability and to whom. Autism comes with a stigma and can be negatively perceived by those who don’t understand it. While I want the parents of my son’s peers to understand him, I’m so, so scared that doing so will result in social exclusion from playdates, birthday parties and friendships.

He not only enjoys these things but he NEEDS to socialize regularly in order to practice his skills. Do I disclose his disability and risk his friendships? Do I not disclose and see if he can hang in there with his peers? What if he has a panic attack? What if I don’t disclose and they just think I’m a bad mom or he’s a bad kid? Won’t that hurt his friendships? These are the questions that I struggle with daily.”

The burden this mother faces is real.

Every mother loves her child and wants the very best for him.

As fellow moms, it’s critical we support other women, and offer a helping hand during a meltdown, instead of a cold stare.

Have you ever encountered a child with an invisible disability?

Why do you think some people are so quick to judge other moms?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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