Every Receipt You Touch Puts You In Danger

We make more purchases in a week than we realize. A trip to the grocery store, stopping for gas, grabbing waters before soccer practice, and picking up pizza on the way home.

What do all of these things have in common?

At each one of these errands you are handed a receipt for your purchase, compromising the safety of you and your family.

Many receipts used by retailers at thousands of locations use thermal paper. You know the kind, it scratches easily and has a shiny finish on it.

Thermal paper is loaded with harmful BPA or BPS, also know as bisphenol A and bisphenol S, a toxic chemical that the public is slowly being warned about.

Center For Environmental Health reports:

A new report released today by the national health watchdog Center for Environmental Health (CEH) finds that cash register receipts can expose consumers to toxic chemicals linked to birth defects and other serious reproductive health problems. While many thermal paper makers have stopped using the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA), the CEH testing found that this chemical has been replaced in receipts by a closely related chemical called BPS. Recent studies suggest that BPS may be as harmful, and possibly more harmful, than BPA.”

Over 100 popular businesses – such as Burger King, Rite Aid, and Target – were tested by CEH to see if they contain BPA or BPS.

Only five had BPA, while all the others contained the harmful toxin BPS.

Companies are trying to avoid a publicity nightmare for having BPA in their receipts, since it has gained national attention for its harmful effects, but instead have opted for another dangerous ingredient that does, arguably, as much harm.

CEH Research Director Caroline Cox reports on the slight of hand by retailers:

Receipt paper without BPA is supposed to be safer, but our testing shows that thermal paper companies have simply jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Changing from one toxic chemical to another is a poisonous substitution that continues to put our children and families at risk. Consumers should know that handling paper receipts may pose serious health risks.”

What are BPA’s and BPS’, and why do we need to stay away from them?

Both bisphenol A and bisphenol S are endocrine disrupters, according to CEH, which change your body’s natural hormones.

This leads to complications with sexual development and reproductive health, according to CEH, among other health concerns.

Science News For Students tells how research is now proving that BPA has the ability to mimic the estrogen hormone.

If exposed inside the womb, animal studies have shown that BPA disrupts the “normal development” of reproductive organs.

Clinical Advisor has show that BPA chemicals are linked to obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, ADHD, and autism; all growing epidemics in this nation.

The harmful substance doesn’t even need to be ingested in order to be absorbed into the body.

Science News for Students reports:

“..BPA doesn’t stay locked inside the products that contain it. Studies showed that BPA can leach out of polycarbonate plastic. It also leaches out of can linings and into canned goods. It even had been found in the saliva of children whose teeth had been treated with a BPA-based resin (in hopes of limiting cavities).”

You may already have dangerous levels of BPA in your body, and children will be heading that way if parents are not careful to protect them from exposure.

An estimated 93% of adults in the United States have levels of BPA in their urine that indicate “significant exposure”, Clinical Advisor reveals.

Currently, the FDA still approves of certain levels of BPA to be used in food and products, despite scientists warning that hormone disrupting chemicals, such as BPA, can be toxic at extremely low doses.

The FDA reports on the website:

We reassure consumers that current approved uses of BPA in food containers and packaging are safe.”

There are watchdog organizations that are trying to get legislation passed to prohibit BPA and BPS from being used in food and products that are designed for human contact.

As of now, do not allow children to touch receipts you receive from stores, and request a digital receipt if possible.

Tell friends and family of the dangerous toxins found in receipts so they can protect themselves and their children, and hopefully spread the word themselves.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have a way you avoid touching receipts.