In Thinking She Speaks For All Women, One Faces Her Downfall

Women have increasingly made their voices heard in recent decades.  We are wives, mothers, and competent in our careers.  We come from all walks of life, with unique values, passions, and goals.

However, following the 2016 elections, the liberal media and political pundits chose to begin lumping all women together, committing a grave error as to explain away why a woman is not currently President of the United States.

No one would think to lump men into one category, claiming they all hold the same beliefs or shared experiences. Nevertheless, in the aftermath of her defeat, Hillary Clinton continues to express disappointment with all women for not backing her candidacy.

Since blaming Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, James Comey, and anything but herself, did not work to explain away her loss, she seems has turned to blaming all American women who did not support her at the ballot box.

But in her recently released book, What Happened, Clinton proves once more why she does not actually speak for many of us.

Independent Women’s blog reports on an excerpt from Clinton’s book:

Since November, more than two dozen women — of all ages, but mostly in their twenties — had approached me in restaurants, theaters, and stores to apologize for not voting or not doing more to help my campaign,” she writes. “I responded with forced smiles and tight nods.”

Clinton then recounts a moment when a mother dragged her daughter by the arm to apologize to the former secretary of state for not voting. She notes chillingly that the girl had her head “bowed in contrition.” But instead of feeling sorry for the girl being humiliated before her, Clinton says she wanted to pile on.

“I wanted to stare right in her eyes and say, ‘You didn’t vote? How could you not vote?! You abdicated your responsibility as a citizen at the worst possible time! And now you want me to make you feel better?’” she said.

“These people were looking for absolution that I just couldn’t give,” she wrote. “We all have to live with the consequences of our decisions.”

Absolution is “a formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment” or more strongly, a “declaration of forgiveness for one’s sins.”

The fact that Clinton thinks women need and seek her forgiveness for their independent and personal decisions to not vote for her is nothing short of astounding — and goes way past arrogance.

Her claim to be the figurehead of women’s empowerment shows just how twisted her logic has become — further showcasing Clinton’s feelings of entitlement and how out of touch she truly is with American women.

Thinking that she deserved our vote simply because she is a woman is ridiculous.  If male politicians said men should vote for them simply for being male, they would be laughed out of the race for making such a preposterous statement.

In fact, Clinton and her ilk have been pushing this ideology for years.  Last year on the campaign trail, women in the liberal media, leftist Hollywood celebrities, and other women in politics insisted that women must “stick together” to elect Clinton.

In a report from The Guardian during last year’s campaign, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright made these types of ludicrous remarks:

“People are talking about revolution. What kind of a revolution would it be to have the first woman president of the United States?”

Albright was the first woman to be Secretary of State and served during the presidency of Clinton’s husband, Bill. She closed her New Hampshire speech with an allusion to the ongoing struggle with Republicans over abortion rights.

“Young women have to support Hillary Clinton. The story is not over!” she said. “They’re going to want to push us back. Appointments to the Supreme Court make all the difference.  It’s not done and you have to help. Hillary Clinton will always be there for you. And just remember, there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

Perhaps more than anything else, Hillary Clinton misses the true point on why many women did not stand behind her.

She is for the destruction of traditional American family values.  She not only supports the homosexual agenda and making a mockery of marriage, she is an avid proponent of killing an entire generation of young women through abortion in the name of convenience — believing strong women should put careers ahead of family, and that there is nothing wrong with a woman terminating her pregnancy to put her own needs first.

Hillary Clinton’s arrogance and intolerance for anyone who does not agree with her liberal portrait of the American woman is what cost her the election — and why she is such a polarizing figure to many women.

One woman told The Guardian last year that she felt no kinship for Clinton based on gender:

“I actually think it’s offensive to say I should vote for someone because she [is a woman],” she says. “I do not want to be hired and promoted because I’m the diversity hire … that just insults my abilities.”

The pro-life mother of four opposes any government intervention into her personal life and thinks Clinton’s policies on healthcare, daycare and maternity restrict her freedom of choice.

She thinks Clinton, as an ambitious politician, is out of touch with most American women’s family values and cringes at the presidential hopeful’s attempts to “play up her maternal and feminine soft side.”

“[Clinton’s] message is that if women don’t follow her script for being a good woman, ‘well sucks to be you, you can just pay taxes to pay for all the ladies who do.'”

“I don’t feel like the balance of power is off because there hasn’t been a female president,” she says. “I don’t want a token woman. All her policies to me are against women and children and families.”

There is a false ideology promoted by Hillary Clinton and her supporters that “men are bad, and women are good.”  But individual character and leadership qualities are what should be the foundation of any candidate’s platform and have nothing to do with gender.

In an editorial on Politico’s site in response to Clinton’s thoughts in her new book, the author states:

“Yes, women make up half this country. Yes, we share certain life experiences unique to our gender. And yes, we spend a lot of time talking and writing about those experiences. But we don’t vote as a bloc. Never have. Doubt we ever will.

We all know sisterhood is personal. We’ve all experienced the powerful empathic connection that can exist between women. But it’s not political. We’re all singing a different song. The point of democracy is to reflect that.”

By becoming the self-proclaimed savior of all women, Clinton exposed her fatal flaw.  She does not stand for our beliefs or cares about our families.  She simply wanted to continue her rise to power by using her gender to gain sympathy votes of other women.

Politico continues:

She didn’t know how to speak in a way that could be heard outside of her own echo chamber. She needed to be a candidate for many different kinds of people and acknowledge that there were many different kinds of women with many points of view.

As the Book of Matthew states, “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.”

Hillary Clinton has proven time and again that the only thing she wants to serve is her own agenda.  She is angry at the end of her rise to power, and her disappointment in the women who did not stand behind her continues to be expressed.

Every woman is unique, and Hillary Clinton’s attempt to lump us all together is an insult to our dignity and intelligence.

What do you think about Hillary Clinton’s comments about women needing her “absolution” for not voting for her?  Leave us your thoughts in the comment section.