More Censorship As The Left Works To Shut Down This Powerful Message

The left has many pet causes, and they will defend them from criticism of any kind – and by any means.

The most recent, and frequent, new tactic has been to censor conservative speech and media that supports it, from social media to news outlets.

Now the left is trying to shut down one of the most powerful films to hit theaters in recent years in an effort to silence its message.

Gosnell:  The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer hit theaters on October 12th, causing a stir on both sides of the abortion debate.

Kermit Gosnell was convicted in 2011 for his decades of running a bloody house of horrors in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he violated every medical regulation known to man.

He performed hundreds of illegal late-term abortions, killing live babies who survived the procedure by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.

He maimed women undergoing abortions and kept hundreds of bodies and body parts of unborn babies in freezers and containers stuffed to the brim.

The Gosnell movie was already causing controversy when plans were announced to make the film.  Of course, progressives on the left wanted to stop any negative message from being released that would counter their call for a woman’s “right” to kill her child.

Mommy Underground brought you the story behind the movie and urged pro-lifers to see the film as soon as possible.

Despite the obstacles, the film was released in nearly 700 theaters – to very good reviews.

It was the number one independently-released film last weekend and in the top five in most theaters nationwide.

A week after its release, and after more than 1.2 million dollars in ticket sales, the movie was dropped from more than a quarter of those – including some where the film was the top ticket seller at the time.

So what happened?  Well, the same thing that usually happens when a powerful message grows and spreads – the ones who don’t like the message do whatever they can to silence it.

One of the producers told Life News, “You might have seen some reports over the weekend that the film has been dropped from movie theaters despite over-performing. Yes that’s right – even though we have been attracting huge audiences – theaters have been removing us from their roster.”

In fact, many film critics in the mainstream media have refused to review the film — highly unusual for a national release.

According to general audience approval scores on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes, the film received a 99% positive rating.

The producers and cast alike call the removal from some theaters “suspicious”– and for good reason.

Just like the original news coverage of the Gosnell case and his proceeding trial, there was a shocking lack of media coverage.

Here’s a serial killer who murdered babies and their mothers, who left a gruesome office full of body parts, and committed infractions ranging from licensing violations to illegal medical practices in every form imaginable.

But major outlets wouldn’t touch it, calling it a “local” story as previously reported by Mommy Underground.

And once again, the media and entertainment industry are backing away from the powerful film because it frightens them.  They cannot bear the truth of the message and what it does to their rhetoric about abortion.

Actor Dean Cain, who plays an investigator of the case in the film, says, “I have never experienced anything like this before, but perhaps it’s a sign of the times.”

“With ‘Gosnell,’ it’s simple. People don’t want to discuss abortion. It’s a dirty word, and they would rather sweep it under the rug, pretending that horrors like what took place in Gosnell’s clinic are not happening here in the United States. It doesn’t fit the narrative, and the ‘powers that be’ — i.e. the mainstream media — don’t want people to see the film,” he told LifeZette.

Leftist-backed and owned corporations hold the power and the money in the U.S., especially in regard to their media and entertainment outlets.

They will threaten and bully until their demands are met – demands that the pro-life message in Gosnell be silence because it destroys the most important part of their agenda.  “A woman’s right to choose.

One would think that removing the film from hundreds of theaters would cause these entertainment companies to lose millions of dollars.  But that is a drop in the bucket to these organizational arms of the radical left.

To them, money is nowhere near as important as maintaining their deeply-rooted hold on the American people – a type of brainwashing to further their agenda through censorship.

We’ve seen this type of plan before throughout history.  Control what the people see and hear, and you control them.

Mommy Underground has reported that Facebook, Twitter, and other media outlets have come under fire for censoring conservative speech, and this is just one more piece of the puzzle.

One woman, in particular, shared her reaction to the film – the type of reaction that has the left running scared and pulling the film.

A student at the University of Florida, Kathy Zhu, has a large social media following.  She says she has typically supported the progressive agenda and its foot soldiers like Hillary Clinton.

After viewing Gosnell, however, she released this statement to her nearly 50,000 Twitter followers, according to Life News: “Yesterday, I was pro-choice. I believed that women should have a say & the gov shouldn’t be interfering w/ our lives,” she wrote. “Today, I’m pro-life.”

That’s quite a message – one the producers of the film intended to spread as people went to see the film.

And one that will likely have media leftists coming up with a way to shut the film down altogether.

For now, producers say the film is still doing very well in the remaining theaters and that it does not discourage them from keeping the message of Gosnell in the public eye.

What do you think of the censorship of the Gosnell movie?  Have you seen the film, or do you plan to?  Leave us your thoughts.