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Baby Wearing Could Be For You

Baby Wearing Could Be For You

It seems like an impossible task to maintain the demands of everyday life while you are caring for an infant. Yes, moms are superheroes, but if we can make it a little easier that would be nice. What if we told you there is a way you could take care […]

According To This Man, Women Deserve To Be Sexually Assaulted

According To This Man, Women Deserve To Be Sexually Assaulted

Laurah Lukin ran a half marathon earlier this month, and a picture was posted on Facebook of her running the race. As Laurah began to read the comments posted below her picture, she was stunned at what a male stranger suggested should happen to her, simply for being a female […]

This Common Parenting Mistake Can Have Deadly Consequences

This Common Parenting Mistake Can Have Deadly Consequences

Parents of young children often spend a great deal of time researching how to keep their children healthy and safe. News and social media sites are full of parenting advice from nutrition to behavior to developmental milestones. But one of the most important things for parents to research and understand […]

We May Know Why You Are Tired All The Time

We May Know Why You Are Tired All The Time

After barely getting any sleep last night, you are awakened by your baby calling out for you from their crib. You drag yourself over, not sure if your arms are awake enough to pick your baby up. Meanwhile, your other child is hollering from the kitchen that he is hungry. […]

4 Positive Ways To Shape Your Child’s Inner Voice

4 Positive Ways To Shape Your Child’s Inner Voice

As a parent, the power of your words can have a serious impact on a young child, and how they perceive not only the world but themselves. In fact, studies show how you speak to your child while they are young, can actually determine their own inner voice. If you […]

“Slender ManStabbing Case” Resurfacing As The Accused Takes A Plea

“Slender ManStabbing Case” Resurfacing As The Accused Takes A Plea

A few years ago, an incident so horrific occurred that the media covered the case incessantly. We watched in horror as an unthinkable violence was committed. The victim was an innocent twelve-year-old girl. The case that adopted the colloquial name “The Slender Man Stabbing” occurred on May 31, 2014. This […]

Preparation And Support Help Parents Navigate This New Family Journey

Preparation And Support Help Parents Navigate This New Family Journey

Preparing to homeschool for the first time is an exciting new road to travel, but can also be a bumpy one as both parent and child learn to navigate this new and very personal, experience. Making the decision to homeschool may be one of the most important choices youever make […]

Shocking Video Reveals Horrific Act That Happened To These High-School Cheerleaders

Shocking Video Reveals Horrific Act That Happened To These High-School Cheerleaders

High-school cheerleading is supposed to be a fun and competitive sport. While coaches are always on the lookout to improve their team, this coach took it too far. In fact, this male coach was caught on tape doing the unthinkable. And his actions were so horrific, he’s been placed on […]

With School Upon Us, This Early Childhood Phase Could Be Affecting Your Older Children And Teens

With School Upon Us, This Early Childhood Phase Could Be Affecting Your Older Children And Teens

Parents know the early years of a child’s life are when they develop bonds and learn security and trust, and it is very common for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers to get upset or anxious when they are away from their parents and the environment they feel most secure in. Separation […]

Kindergarten Teacher Performs A ‘Transition Ceremony’ Without Parents Knowledge

Kindergarten Teacher Performs A ‘Transition Ceremony’ Without Parents Knowledge

There are many things to be concerned about when you send your child off to school. You have to think about bullies, inappropriate discussions, and your child making the right friends. Usually, somewhere near last on the list, would be having to worry about your child’s teacher presenting inappropriate material. […]