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Planned Parenthood Teaches Parents How To Talk To Their 3-Year Old “Transgender” Child

Planned Parenthood Teaches Parents How To Talk To Their 3-Year Old “Transgender” Child

Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, is attempting to teach parents how to talk to their children about sex-ed. But how can an organization who blatantly disregards the value of human life, possibly help parents raise their children? They can’t. And their latest advice to parents is beyond […]

Decision Brings Mixed Reactions And Affects Thousands Living In The U.S.

Decision Brings Mixed Reactions And Affects Thousands Living In The U.S.

Bipartisan conflict is nothing new in America.  While conservative Americans fight to preserve our values and traditions, we are still undoing years of damage wrought by former President Obama’s time in office. And a new battle is brewing — one between upholding the rule of law and helping the young […]

Keep Your Child Hydrated With These 4 Tips

Keep Your Child Hydrated With These 4 Tips

Children live an active busy lifestyle, which often puts them at risk of dehydration. As a parent, it’s critical you teach your child proper hydration techniques, as well as ensure they are getting enough fluids each day.  Without proper hydration, you are putting your child at risk for a variety […]

Top 10 Ingredients For A Happy Marriage

Top 10 Ingredients For A Happy Marriage

Marriage is one of the oldest and most sacred institutions we have. It is, also, still one of the most sought after covenants in the world. Unfortunately, it is taken for granted once it is obtained. The effort of marriage is underestimated, leaving one, or both, of the spouses, underappreciated. […]

Top 5 Ways To Spot A Manipulator

Top 5 Ways To Spot A Manipulator

We have all encountered toxic people in our life. These are the ones that have contributed more pain than happiness in a relationship. No one wants to entertain toxic people, but we are often made aware of their malice ways after a relationship has formed. Manipulators are cunning in this […]

Parents Must Be Aware Not To Sabotage These Valuable Skills In Their Children

Parents Must Be Aware Not To Sabotage These Valuable Skills In Their Children

As parents, we all want our children to be confident and successful.  We try to instill good values, self-esteem, and pride in their accomplishments. These qualities are well regarded as our children grow and experience new stages in life, from school to their first job, to their chosen career paths. […]

“Non-Gender” Passports Are Now A Thing

“Non-Gender” Passports Are Now A Thing

Imagine filling out a passport application, and finding 3 different options for gender. Besides choosing the female or male option, Canada has now provided a third option. And as a result, pro-family supporters are devastated, as liberals won another striking blow against the traditional family structure. In Canada, passport applicants […]

Senator Rubio Is Attacked For Using Free Speech

Senator Rubio Is Attacked For Using Free Speech

The founding fathers came to this country to escape oppression from their government. Sowhen looking at the constitution, the first thing they thought to emphasize was our freedom of speech, knowing it is the foundation for freedom of religion. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states, “Congress shall make […]

Don’t Be a Lonely Mom, Build Your Own Squad

Don’t Be a Lonely Mom, Build Your Own Squad

As a mom, you do it all.  From managing the household, to taking care of your kids, sometimes it’s a wonder you have any time left to eat or sleep. And since you are so focused on your family, it can be difficult to maintain friendships, or make new friends. […]

Disturbing New Punishment Is One No Parent Should Practice

Disturbing New Punishment Is One No Parent Should Practice

We’ve all seen the social media posts — sad-eyed pets wearing handwritten signs about the damage they’ve wrought on the house or a favorite pair of shoes.  These photos posted by the pet owner are funny and lighthearted. Social media sites like Facebook and Instagram allow us to document every […]