Parents Are Live-Streaming This Act On Social Media – And It Needs To Stop

Social media is all the rage these days, and parents are eager to post pictures of everything from their child’s first step to their college graduation, and everything in between.

But there’s a new parenting trend taking place on social media sites, and it’s actually harmful for children and can cause lifelong trauma.

And if parents don’t wake up and stop this new trend, they could cause severe consequences to their child’s emotional well-being.

We get it – kids do the funniest things.

Every parent chuckles at the video of the laughing baby or the dancing toddler.

Kids are precious, and some of the memories are sweet.

And let’s face it, some moments are just too cute not to share.

But as every parent knows, not all parenting moments are sunshine and roses.

Being a parent is tough – kids don’t always listen, they talk back, they break the rules, and at times it can seem like too much to handle as a mom.

However instead of being an adult and learning how to discipline properly, some parents have decided to take matters into their own hands, and change up the discipline game.

Instead of sending a child to timeout, or taking away their favorite toy, some parents are opting for a bold new disciplinary measure.

And now, a dangerous new trend is sweeping Facebook that is anything but cute.

In fact, it could cause irreparable harm.

Some parents are actually choosing to broadcast the not so pleasant moments of disciplining their child for the world to see.

And we aren’t just talking one or two parents.

It’s estimated over 30,000 videos are posted of parents shaming their children.

Who could forget the famous story from 2011 where a mom forced her 7-year-old child to drink hot sauce and then screamed at him while he was thrown into a cold shower.

But not all cases of disciple are physically abusive, although some argue the emotional abuse is often worse.

Last year, Mommy Underground reported on parents forcing their children to hold up signs on the side of the road, stating their “sin” or disobedient act.

This is not parenting, at least not done well.

Discipline is supposed to be used to correct a child, not shame them.

A parent acting out in anger or rage is not appropriate discipline.

And publicly broadcasting such intimate moments can harm a child’s development, and induce much shame.

Parents reported:

“Parents who lean on this form of discipline would do well to step up communication, points out Bela Sood, M.D., child and adolescent psychiatrist with Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU and Virginia Treatment Center for Children.  

“When I see parents resorting to these types of punishments, it signals a breakdown in communication,” Dr. Sood notes. “In other words, it shows a parent’s inability to convey their sense of expectations to the child. Making a child feel ashamed can further damage the relationship and hinder the child’s ability to build positive self-efficacy and self-confidence in the long-term.”

So parents, if you want to raise an emotionally healthy child, please stop broadcasting their entire lives on social media.

Living in a digital world, children will be forced to deal with online bullying and shaming as they grow up.

Teens and kids can be cruel enough, a child should not have to worry about being humiliated by their own parents for the world to see.

Yes, discipline is appropriate to teach your child that actions have consequences.

But a mature parent doesn’t need to broadcast intimate family details and shame their child for the world to see.

Do you think parents should live stream discipline of Facebook?

Is there ever a reason to publicly discipline a child?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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