Practical Ways To Spread Christmas Cheer To Lonely Neighbors 

As you enjoy gathering with your friends and family this Christmas season, not everyone has a family or a place to go.

From the elderly woman next store who just lost her husband, to the single college gal down the street whose family is out of state, Christmas can feel incredibly lonely for many.

But the good news is, you have the opportunity to help those right in your neighborhood experience the joy of Christmas.

Here are some creative ideas to get you started.

Offer Practical Help

If you have an older neighbor who can’t seem to move around too well, offer to help them out with various tasks.

From shoveling their front porch and driveway and lining it with salt so they don’t fall, to bringing in their mail to them, it really is the little things.

You can even offer to do errands a few times like bring them groceries or do their Christmas shopping.

Giving the gift of time and service to someone who is lonely and struggling is a small way to let people know they aren’t alone and someone cares. 

Invite Them To Your House On Christmas 

It might seem uncomfortable at first, especially if you don’t know them well, but consider inviting your lonely neighbor to spend Christmas with your family.

They will most likely be touched at your genuine hospitality in opening up your home, and may just take you up on your offer!

Being able to provide a warm and loving home (and a hot-cooked meal) is sure to help them feel loved and a little bit less lonely during Christmas. 

Cook Or Bake Them Something

Maybe you are celebrating Christmas at a friend’s home and inviting extra people is not an option.

Or perhaps you aren’t comfortable (rightfully so) inviting a male you don’t know into your home to be around your children.

The good news is – you can still help provide your neighbor a hot meal!

Consider bringing over a warm pumpkin pie or plate of cookies.

Or make them a plate (or two) of your leftovers from dinner.

Combine that with a simple Christmas card wishing them well, and you’ve provided a gift that is sure to touch their heart.

A Small Act Of Kindness

A small act of reaching out and letting someone know they aren’t alone can truly do wonders for the soul.

Christmas is such a joyful time, but seeing people experience joy and be around family and loved ones can be incredibly isolating to people who are lonely or grieving and don’t have a place to go.

But by taking just a small moment to be active and aware of the needs of your neighbors, you can truly be an answer to their prayer.

Do you plan to reach out to those who are lonely this year? 

What are some practical ideas you have to help lonely neighbors in your community?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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