Science Shows Liberals Are Leading Each Other Down The Rabbit Hole

Respect for life, protecting family values, and pride in one’s God-given role used to be the basis of living a good and moral life.

America has been at the forefront of “diversity” and “tolerance” movements that have nearly destroyed mainstream interpretation of right and wrong.

It is now common fare to be anti-life, anti-nuclear family, and anti-traditional roles. You can’t just be tolerant of this transition, society expects a warm embrace.

Many people have either sought out, or pondered the question of political trends, and how society has shifted to this subjective culture we now live in.

Turns out there is developing research that has explained how the moral frog has allowed itself to be cooked slowly.

It would be notable to define morality to lay stable framework in which to interpret the rest of this article.

Webster’s dictionary defines morality as:

principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.”

Medical Daily reported:

In a new research paper led by Cikara, a team of researchers have discovered a new insight into mob mentality — the propensity for groups of people to shed the inhibitions of societal and moral standards. Isolated individuals seldom heckle or riot. But throngs of sports fans torch cars, protesters storm government offices, and gangs go to war over intangible slights. Cikara and her colleagues may have discovered a culprit we can’t control: our brains.”

 This amazing study gives empirical evidence on how people who seem psychologically sound can jump on the liberal bandwagon after a few emotional retorts from a group of democratic junkies.

Rebecca Saxe, associate professor of cognitive neuroscience at MIT, spoke with MIT News:

Although humans exhibit strong preferences for equity and moral prohibitions against harm in many contexts, people’s priorities change when there is an ‘us’ and a ‘them’. A group of people will often engage in actions that are contrary to the private moral standards of each individual in that group, sweeping otherwise decent individuals into ‘mobs’ that commit looting, vandalism, even physical brutality.”

We have seen this played out in recent events such as the brutality in Charlottesville and the vandalism at Berkeley.

Cikara suggests that people are able to do acts they would normally find morally apprehensively in a like-minded crowd because “they will not be recognized or called to answer for their actions.”

 In riots, and other form of mob approaches, it is difficult to pinpoint a responsible individual and thus repercussions are scarce.

There is a second reason to go along with the crowd Cikara argues, and that is “Guilt, shared collectively and spread thin”; which is easier to bear.

Medical Daily reported:

Cikara and her colleagues wanted to find out whether an individual’s sense of self — and therefore the individual’s moral compass — is diminished during times of collective endeavor. But how do you measure sense of self? A functional magnetic resonance imaging brain scan, of course.”

After measuring the results of questions on moral judgment as an individual, and as a group, the brain scans showed answering as a group to have an inactive prefrontal cortex.

This part of the brain is supposed to light up when people think about themselves, including their moral standing.

Also, the participants who couldn’t even remember the moral question were those who had inactive areas of self-reflection.

Cikara says, “that’s because the questions were about their own morality — something they weren’t paying much attention to at the time. Which is convenient: You can’t feel guilty about something if you can’t remember it.”

Prognosis of the ailment that plagues the minds of American citizens is grim. With the media dominating the majority political focus, and that beast being steered by liberal giants, it is no wonder why we have succumbed to such depths.

Politico reported on statistics during the recent presidential campaign that prove this trend:

By 2016, more than half of publishing employees worked in counties that Clinton won by 30 points or more. When you add in the shrinking number of newspaper jobs, 72 percent of all internet publishing or newspaper employees work in a county that Clinton won.”

And as former public editor of the New York Times, Daniel Okrent said:

The people who report, edit, produce and publish news can’t help being affected—deeply affected—by the environment around them. The “heart, mind, and habits” of the Times, he wrote, cannot be divorced from the ethos of the cosmopolitan city where it is produced. On such subjects as abortion, gay rights, gun control and environmental regulation, the Times’ news reporting is a pretty good reflection of its region’s dominant predisposition. And yes, a Times-ian ethos flourishes in all of internet publishing’s major cities—Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco and Washington. The Times thinks of itself as a centrist national newspaper, but it’s more accurate to say its politics are perfectly centered on the slices of America that look and think the most like Manhattan.”

The media bubble doesn’t correctly represent the political divide of the United States population as a whole.

Gallup Polls has us trending at 25% Republican, 42% independent, and 30% Democratic this month.

For the liberal mindset to stop warping the morals of the unsuspecting world around them, we all must activate those pre-frontal cortexes.

America must start asking if the media is correctly reflecting their desired sense of morality, and using self-reflection find out if your morality stands on solid ground.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have noticed the mob mentality taking place, and how.