The Coronavirus Grief Is Felt By Your Kid’s Teachers Too

Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash


As our world continues to adjust to a “new normal” many students are grieving the loss of their school year.

From seniors who can no longer walk across the stage to graduate, to canceled dances and extracurricular activities, things are tough.

Even more surprising, many kids admit they actually miss going to school to learn – so just imagine how their teachers feel.

After all, good teachers are known to be the glue that holds the entire school year together.

Carefully pouring into their students, adjusting curriculums when needed, and providing personal words of encouragement.

But now, all of that is gone and teachers are starting to feel the loss which is quickly turning into grief.


Loss Of Connection

Teaching kids via Zoom or through another online platform is impersonal.

While it’s better than nothing, it’s not the same as teaching children face to face, and seeing firsthand the excitement they get when they suddenly understand a complex theory, or the discouragement they feel when they just don’t get it.

Teachers know their students well, as they spend an entire day with them, not only teaching but nurturing and understanding the individual needs of each student.

With this firsthand knowledge, teachers can be flexible to adapt lessons or use props to help children understand, not to mention physically involving children in the learning process.

But without this human connection – it’s just not the same.

Likewise, many educators are grieving for their students, wishing their students could participate in their favorite extracurricular activities, or attend their senior prom with their high school sweetheart.

The lack of physical connection and touch is felt by both students and teachers.


Concern For Students Well-Being

The truth is, many children don’t come from good homes, and school was the only “safe place” they could be.

Whether they live in a physically or emotionally abusive environment, many children look forward to school as a place to get away from it all.

Even if a home isn’t abusive, many families can barely afford to put food on the table and now students are literally starving.

At least during school, many received breakfast, snacks, and lunch.

While some schools are still working hard to provide meals for kids, it’s likely many children are falling through the cracks.


Loss Of Routine

Teachers are planners.

They are likely organized and had the entire year planned out, complete with lessons, quizzes, fun activities, and projects.

But now they are forced to adapt to the new normal.

What makes things even more tricky is many teachers are taking care of their own children who are home from school, and trying to teach their students at the same time.

This load can almost be unbearable to many teachers, as they struggle to care for their own children, quarantined at home, and make sure their students get what they need!

Some schools are letting children advance to the next grade, while others aren’t.

Teachers are even more worried for their students who need routine, knowing many of their previously struggling students are likely struggling even more.


Collective Grief

As the world grieves together, the most important thing we can do is be kind to one another, and know everyone is doing the best they can.

Things aren’t going to be perfect. Balls will get dropped.

Students may feel discouraged, and their teachers may be going through the grieving process as well.

But during this time, both students and teachers can learn to have compassion for one another, and look forward to the start of celebrating a new school year when Lord-willing this coronavirus pandemic finally ends.

Who knew a day would come when so many children would be excited to go back to school!

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