These Tips Will Line Your Pockets, Not Big Business — And Make You Healthier

Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life and allow them to grow up healthy and strong.

In our society, technological advances have in many ways made this an easier task for parents, but there is one area in which our children are suffering from the negative effects of such progress.

And it is in the most basic need where this harm can be done — the foods we eat.

Not only have marketed foods become more and more processed through the years, but parents are finding that healthy and natural foods are often more expensive.

Fast and easy foods are a big business, and the production of genetically modified foods is on the rise, lining the pockets of big biotech firms, and endangering the health of growing children.

Not only have GMOs raised health concerns in lab animals, it has been proven that they do not increase yield in crops nor decrease the use of pesticides.

Local farmers are struggling to compete, even though they produce a far superior and healthier crop — and seeds produced by biotech firms have been shown to only produce one crop at a time, with an inability to reproduce for a second season.

So a good rule of thumb is:  If God doesn’t produce it in nature, it’s probably not good to serve it to your family.

But with many households now having two working parents, time and energy are precious commodities, and the urge to just run through your local fast food place is strong after a long day at work.

But there are ways to limit, or even eliminate, harmful foods from your family’s diet.

The Cornucopia Institute reports on several ways that we as parents can provide a healthier lifestyle for our children – and even with the strictest of budgets:

Grow your own. …

Eat less meat. …

Reduce waste. …

Buy in bulk. …

Buy seasonal. …

Cook from scratch. …

While this may seem a daunting task, it can be done with a little creativity and diligence.

Small crops of vegetables and herbs can be grown in your own backyard, in containers on your porch, or even on an available windowsill.

Local home improvement stores sell organic seeds, and at a much lower cost than buying mature plants that may have been treated with pesticides.

There are also now organic co-opts all across the nation in which neighbors can buy together to reduce the cost to each family.

And although cutting down on your family’s consumption of meat is a good way to cut your food budget, there are also many farmers who will sell meat in bulk, which can be stored in an extra freezer, or split with friends.

The “buy local/farm-to-table” concept has become popular in recent years in expensive restaurants, however buying vegetables in season from local farmers markets and produce stands (yes, they still exist!) will save you more money in the long term.

And you can use that technology so prevalent in our society today to go back to a more traditional way of buying and eating your family’s groceries:  research, work with your neighbors and local farmers, and make smart long-term purchases.

If your grocery bill is lining the pockets of big businesses, it is likely not healthy for your children — and it is costing you more with your food budget in the long run.