Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Shelter Your Kids From

  1. Sex topics

This is one that obviously should be for adolescents, not small children. After your child begins puberty is an appropriate time to discuss sexual urges with them.

Despite what the liberal media would have you believe, teaching young children about intercourse or sexual orientations is not appropriate or necessary.

Ginger Lavender Wilkerson, a licensed marriage and family therapist and teen expert, tells Romper:

“I know that the subject of sex is a taboo, however it is important for boys and girls to not be afraid, scarred, or bullied into believing that their urges and and attractions are not supposed to happen… Sexual health is acknowledging urges, discussing limits, and reasoning behind making informed decisions.”

If your adolescent feels close enough to ask questions about feelings or urges they are experiencing in regards to sexual topics, take advantage of that opportunity to lay the groundwork for a healthy view of sexuality that is in line with your family’s values.

If you don’t teach your kids, society will, and that is a dangerous position to be in.