Top 10 Tell All Ways You Know You Are In A Healthy Marriage

  1. You empower each other

Give your spouse encouragement to fulfill their aspirations, and build their inner self. Marriages that lift each other up are built to last because they leave each partner optimistic and striving for life goals.

It’s not a matter of whether you have the same aspirations, but that you are there for each other to make you the best version of yourselves.

Psychology Today reported:

Martin Seligman, in his book Authentic Happiness states, “Marriage is robustly related to happiness. Marriage works remarkably well from a Positive Psychology point of view. Perhaps the single most robust fact about marriage across many surveys is that married people are happier than anyone else. Of married adults 40 percent call themselves very happy, while only 23 percent of never-marrieds do. This is true of every ethnic group studied, and it is true across the seventeen nations that psychologists have surveyed.” in Authentic Happiness, Free Press, New York, 2002, pages 186, 187”

Marriage is a beautiful union between a man and a woman that can result in lifelong happiness. Of course, there are ups and downs, but you can end on a high note.

If all of these points aren’t in line with where your marriage is now, try implementing some of them to get things back on track.

Please let us know if you have noticed aspects of your marriage that are the secret ingredient to years of happiness.