Top 5 Bloopers Every Parent Does

  1. Not Keeping Up With Dental Hygiene

By the time evening comes around everyone is so exhausted from work, school, sport practices, and one of a million other tasks on the daily agenda.

It’s easy to get lax with evening hygiene. You see that your son took off the muddy clothes from earlier, and you think, “What more can I ask for?”

Skipping a night here and there of the kids brushing their teeth won’t have them all rot out, but it can quickly impact them negatively if it becomes more than that.

Center For Pediatric Dentistry reported:

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 40 percent of children have decay by the time they reach kindergarten.”

Just brush really well in the morning, and take care of those pearly whites the next evening.

There is no manual for perfect parenting. Research and time has proven certain methods and techniques to bear better results when rearing children than others, but it’s not an exact science.

We do our best, we find ways to do better, and we love our children fully throughout the journey.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have made any of these mistakes, and if you have learned any fun lessons as a parent while doing things less than perfect.