Top 6 Mom Fears That Are Hard To Shake

  1. Unable to care for your child

Modern society has put so much more into child-rearing than is essential. This has caused a flux in concern for moms who feel they are not meeting the status quo.

Caring for your child should consist of providing food, water, shelter, and affection. And yes, research shows that babies need affection to thrive.

Now, there is a focus on specific forms of education, social structures, diet, and even political awareness.

Romper wrote on one mom’s fears after giving birth to her daughter:

The moment my daughter left my body, my heart grew so big I worried it would consume me. I could feel it filling my rib cage, pulsing at the base of my throat, indiscriminate love threatening to blast out of me. I was handed a red, wrinkled creature who looked just like me when she cried. It was the happiest moment of my life, and I was terrified. I wasn’t sure how to hold her, if I would drop her, if I was feeding her enough, if it was possible for babies to die from crying too much.”

Try to remember the essential pillars of providing for your little one, and do your best to address all the extra stuff as it comes along; this will make things much less scary as you navigate becoming a mom.