Top 6 Mom Fears That Are Hard To Shake

  1. Leaving your child motherless

Passing away before you can see your children grow may seem to be a morbid fear, but it is real for so many moms.

After having a child, you begin to think about a world outside of yourself, and more meaningful than yourself.

A mom writing for Romper discussed her fears beyond the normal squalls of everyday life:

What do you think about when you’re breastfeeding in a dark room at the 3 o’clock in the morning? I do my best to make grocery lists, but I tend to default to topics like the unforgiving nature of time, and coming to terms with the certainty of my own decline.”

Having to consider long term care for another being brings you to terms with the fact that you won’t always be there; but this may not be a bad thing if you keep it in perspective.

Nathan Heflick, research associate in psychology at the University of Kent, wrote in The Conversation:

“Dozens of studies across economics and psychology have found that when something (time included) is perceived as scarcer, it becomes more valuable. Writing about death, particularly writing repeatedly about death, makes salient the finitude of life, which is something we often take for granted and even actively avoid thinking about. It could then, theoretically, make people perceive that life is more valuable and something to be cherished.”