Top 6 Things To Know Before Having Your Second Child

  1. Not all first borns get jealous


Most second time moms expect the first born to get extremely jealous when the second child sweeps in to steal half the love and attention.

This is not always the case. Sometimes your older child will just be enamored with the new bundle of joy, and want to help wherever they can.

However, it is good to have some tools to deal with jealousy if it does rear its green head.

“The Bump reported:“Remember, if your older child does have outbursts or show regressive behavior such as thumb sucking or bed wetting, don’t criticize him. It’s likely temporary as he adjusts to the new addition. KidsHealth suggests not bending the rules when your firstborn acts out, but to look for what feelings might motivate the behavior. Address those feelings when you can, such as spending more time with the older child, but help him understand that he needs to use words, if he’s talking, to express his feelings.”